
Teenage Depression Compared to Adult Depression Essay examples

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Teenage depression is a mood disorder characterized by intense negative feelings and emotions. Depression goes beyond temporary feelings of sadness; it is a mental disorder that affects the way one’s mood is controlled by their brain. It is a serious medical illness that affects one’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, mood and physical health. These feelings can have a negative impact on a teenager’s life, leading to social, educational/vocational, personal and family difficulties. Depression is a real disorder that affects about one percent of adolescents by the age of 18 according to the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A). (March, J. 2004) Teenagers who experience depression tend to have similar symptoms as adults who …show more content…

Tests such as brain-imaging technologies have shown that the brain of a person, who is depressed, tends to differ to those without depression. Some types of depression tend to run in the families genetics. However, depression can still occur in someone who does not have a family history of depression. (Tsuang, MT. 1990) According to some scientist, there is a certain gene that may make some people more prone to developing depression. Besides genetic factors, depression can also occur when someone goes through a traumatic situation such as the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or any other stressful situation that may trigger a depressive episode. Most teens will show signs and symptoms of depressive illnesses. Some teens may develop a sense of worthlessness over poor performances in school, social statuses, sexual orientation, and family life. Some teens may even develop environmental stress due to depression. Teens with depression will start to have a noticeable change in their thinking, attitude and behavior. Some teens will show signs such as a loss of interest in activities, changes in eating habits and sleeping habits, difficulty concentrating, fatigue and lack of energy and the lack of enthusiasm and motivation in something they once enjoyed. Many rebellious teenagers, who tend to act out, are actually suffering from depression and are trying to find a way to cope with their emotional pain. Depression can have many effects on a

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