
Teleological Argument Strengths

Satisfactory Essays

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Teleological Argument

Also known as the argument from design, the teleological argument simply states that a designer must exist considering that life in the universe can only occur when it meets the right conditions of “certain fundamental physical constants that are within a very narrow range”, according to InspiringPhilosophy. They also exhibit marks of pattern, consistency, unity and order in their design.

In the Watchmaker Argument by William Paley, he stated that human artifacts are products of intelligent design. The universe looks like human artifacts. Ergo, the universe is a product of intelligent design. But because of its complexity and gigantic size, when compared to human artifacts, it is probably …show more content…

Supported by inductive reasoning
Teleological argument offers natural and revealed theology. There are evidence that we can observe, making it difficult to deny the presence of complexity and order in the universe. There is apparent design in the different parts that come together to form the whole, such as the heart, brain, eyes and other parts that make up the body.

2. Simple and straightforward
The use of analogy makes teleological argument comprehensible, allowing us to move from something within experience and try to explain something beyond experience, such as the creation of the universe. It also doesn't rely on fixed definitions that everyone must accept, but begins with experience that may be universal or at least testable.

3. Consistent with the scriptures
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. This verse from the first chapter of the book of Romans is further reinforced by the statement that we are made in God's image. This makes the argument a scientific theory that can actually be assessed. So this makes it a posteriori and inductive

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