
What Is The Connection Between A Tale Of Television And Technology

Decent Essays

Technology consumes the society Bradbury has created, and determines the behavior of the community he has created. The television consumes Mildred along with every other dependent conformist in their time. The people are so absorbed by the television that the families portrayed through the shows, that they are psychologically engulfed into the television families. Mildred even displays this when Bradbury writes, "Will you turn the parlor off?" He asked. "That's my family." "Will you turn it off for a sick man?" "I'll turn it down." (Bradbury 49) MIldred’s connections to her fabricated family is more important than her actual family. The subjugation of the television families is such a convoluted concept. This immense confusion is only sensibly comparable to one character, Chief Beatty. Beatty’s knowledge of literature is used to disprove the importance of literature to others. He is willing to defend the “equalization” of society while he is educated himself, and rejects the use of books as weapons while reading them whenever he pleases. Due to these contradicting concepts in his life, Beatty is the most convoluted and mysterious character in the novel.

The peculiar connection of the society Bradbury creates to television and technology is the leading cause for the conformist society. Communication has lost every sense of its meaning. The little communication present is with a fake family on a television. Parlors have transformed into group television watching, and the

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