
Television Effect On Fiji

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Television Effect On Fiji Island According to Ellen Goodman (The Culture of Thin Bites Fiji). Fiji is an island in south pacific where Women consider beauty by being fat. The more weight you gain or the bigger you are, makes you more Attractive. In the article, she mentioned the life in Fiji, how great it is, and how much it’s reversed Compared the whole world. It’s an island where women complement each other by saying “Oh you Gained some weight” which is very odd in our communities that consider saying that as rudeness. When the television came to Fiji and the teenager and all the people started to watch television, here Was a shock to all Fiji society. They saw how people consider being beauty by being thin, and how …show more content…

According to Ellen Goodman essay “within 38 months the number of Teenagers at risk for eating disorders more than double to 29 percent. The number of high school girls Who vomited for weight control went up five times to 15 percent, and worse yet, 74 percent of the Fiji Teens in the study said they felt ‘too big or fat (Goodman #502). Anne Becker an anthropologist and Psychiatrist, say that there’s a causal link between television and eating disorder, giving an example in Her study about Fiji, and how when television came to that island showed increasing in eating disorder. She also mentioned that the biggest success story of our entertainment industry is how to make women Feel so bad about their shape and look. Saying that Hollywood didn’t knowledge yet that showing that Images of stars and the perfect body caused a lot of problems to the teenagers and females in general. Expressing her Feeling by telling boys learn to hate and harm others otherwise girls lean to hate and Harm

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