
Tennis Personal Statement

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I would paint “she believed she could, so she did” on the Beta Bridge. It is a message of encouragement for girls and women that my mom shared with me during a big transition for our family. We lived in Charlottesville for fourteen years and moved to Vermont before my freshman year of high school. I was upset about the move - leaving great friends, familiar schools and terrific tennis in Virginia. I took next steps each day, meeting new friends, registering for classes and trying out for varsity tennis. I did well in school and made the tennis team, starting in doubles and singles my freshman year and then winning three consecutive team state championships. I trained outside of school and participated in USTA tournaments, working to the number one ranking for USTA 18s in Vermont. What seemed like a setback after middle school turned into learning opportunities for believing in myself, navigating new circumstances and training to win. …show more content…

I went from being one of the best players in New England to middle of the pack at a top academy. My classmates are from all over the world, including China, India and Venezuela. I work hard to keep pace, dedicate extra time with coaches and appreciate the structured time for our academic classes. These experiences have helped me to learn more than the game of tennis: balance, commitment, nutrition, preparation and teamwork. More importantly, these experiences have helped me believe in myself and look at challenges as opportunities. I would like to encourage other girls and women to build confidence and work toward their

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