
Teotihuacan Culture

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The culture that I will be talking about is the culture of Teotihuacán from Mexico. Between 100B.C.E and 200 C.E the city grew rapidly, becoming one of the largest cities in Mesoamerica. From my perspective there are different factors that contributed to the growth of Teotihuacán, resources, neighbors, trade, religious matters, and economy. This paper will basically focus on the economy and how it was utilized to form this urban state of Teotihuacán, whether it be the effects of trade and tribute, goods and services, reciprocity, or corruption it all played a role in the uprising of this city. Teotihuacán was developed by different reason but I think that its economy had more influence on its growth and this may explain the development of Teotihuacán. …show more content…

“Sources of obsidian, clay for pottery, forest products, and protein were adequate to the needs of this population.” (Sanders 1977 a;233) I believe the people of Teotihuacán were engaged in manufacturing tools and producing other goods. This obsidian tool were being imported and exported. People of the city, craftsmen, had begun to develop a small export economy by the means of developing tools and exporting them. “This is important because a developing city begins to grow when the interaction of export and import begins to stimulate goods and services in ways which create new jobs.”(Jacobs 1969;252) The urban economy of Teotihuacán was changing as it affected communities in the hinterland, and responded to the needs of the population. An increase in agriculture production, perhaps utilizing irrigation, complemented the growth of the city. Some Anthropologists state that irrigation agriculture provided the impetus for the emergence of Teotihuacán, giving rise to a centralized and despotic political system which directed the productive activities and distribution of the people …show more content…

“Teotihuacan now experienced a kind of renewal, probably to accommodate the populations growth and to keep people at work.” (Kurtz 1997, 337)The raw and finished material entering Teotihuacán and its growing political and economic influence throughout Mesoamerica helped to expand its economy, enlarging markets, increasing jobs, and developing technology. “The completion of the Ciudadela suggests a centralized political structure. The completion of the political, religious and market complexes effectively symbolized Teotihuacan's hegemony over a resource zone that extended from coast to coast.”(Ronald 1997, 335) The establishments of these areas around public building suggest a centralized political system. Some craftsmen engaged in employment by the elites. This might have been dedicated to the production of exported goods controlled by the elites and would have complemented the work of craftsmen. It could be said that manufacturing expanded during this time, and that obsidian was manufactured and exported beyond the basin. I think that obsidian production was complemented by increase in other work, such as pottery making, painting

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