
Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism

Decent Essays

The idea of terrorism is to incite terror of a government by intimidation or coercion. For example, the Weathermen, they used bombs to blow up symbols of the United States to instill terror into the government, to get Americans out of Vietnam War. However, the jihadist of al Qaeda crashed two planes into the World Trade Center to provoke fear into the US by showing weakness in our private transportation system and changing the lives of Americans. Nevertheless, the terror act of 9/11 has people preparing for more international terrorist attacks, but in the last 16 years the only terrorist attacks in the US have been domestic terrorism. This fear of international terrorism was a hot topic during the 2016 Presidential Election, where one party wanted to ban a religious group of people from entering the US. “Yet, domestic terror attacks are by far more many than international ones: in our data set, only about 14% of the almost 82,000 terror incidents were international terror events” (Liebert, Kokakos, & Schulze, 2011, p. 1). This shows that citizens do not know the different between international terrorism and domestic terrorism, because if they did, there would more focus on domestic terrorism even though terrorism is so rare compared to other crimes (Newman & Clark, 2008). I am going to discuss the difference between international terrorism and domestic terrorism. International terrorism has a specific definition as described in 18 as code 2331. For instance, in the case

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