
Terrorism : The Causes Of Terrorism In The World

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Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85, Federal Bureau of Investigation,).Terrorism is a generally violent act of killing a large group of people in order to threaten the atmosphere and provoke a sense of insecurity among people. According to Oxford definition terrorism is “The use of violence, or the threat of violence, to frighten people in order to achieve a political, social, or religious goal.”
It is normally used as a message meant to threaten a people of a particular country, with the aim of a political, social, or religious goal. Terrorist spread the idea of terrorism in various ways. Mainly, the idea of religion or social respect is used to “brainwash” the minds and thus, a terrorist is formed. Every definition of terrorism in the world agrees that it is a use of violence to create a fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes to terrorize the normal people.The 9/11 attacks on World Trade Center brought the rational phenomenon of terrorism to the world’s attention. One key question this terrorist attack raises is: Why do these terrorist make ultimate sacrifice of their life? It is often considered that these individuals make this choice for their society or religion.However, this

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