
Texas And SNAP

Decent Essays

The State of Texas and SNAP Benefits The state of Texas, which is the largest state in the continental US, is the second largest by population. This makes by default means that Texas is an important economic center. However, this also means that Texas serves as one of the states with highest overall economic need (Poverty USA). Texas is ranked as number 39 in overall poverty by the states, and currently has over 12% of its population on SNAP benefits which is double that from 2000, despite the leaps and bounds made economically in the country and the state of Texas specifically (Texas Health and Human Services Commision) (Poverty USA). These benefits are used by the population to appropriate food for households, and are an integral part of …show more content…

The United States of America is a coalition of states that work together, with both federal, other states, and local (municipal) governments to fulfill the duties of government according to the Constitution of the nation. These states are funded through revenues produced by; taxes, commercial/ or industrial deals, and federal funding. Texas is not an exception to this general outline of the financial foundation for states. The Texas state government is broken up into several departments, each of which handles a different portion of providing, protecting, and representing the government and its citizens (Texas State Legislature). The Health and Human Services Commissions regulate the SNAP program and is funded …show more content…

It has also caused some of the more conservative legislators, representatives, leaders, activists, and citizens to call for its abandonment as a program by both the state of Texas and the Federal Government. Nonetheless, the state legislature of Texas continues to appropriate funding for the program, but mostly because a great deal of funding in the state would be at risk if they failed to include SNAP. The federal government currently provides 56.3% of the funding allocated to the Health and Human Services Commission and its various subdivisions, which comes to $47.2 billion (Texas State Legislature). This money would be taken away if the state of Texas failed to have a SNAP program that met certain federal standards of success. As a result, this money goes towards several programs including Medicaid, which a whopping 81% of these federal funds are used for, but $1.96 billion of this money is applied specifically to the state SNAP program. I find it positive that the government of Texas has been constantly allowing the SNAP program to be implemented (Texas State Legislature). However, I do think it unfair for the Federal Government to strong-arm them into instituting the program by putting on the line,

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