Your phone is in your lap,your driving down the highway going about 60 mph. Your phone vibrates you don’t know what to do, So you look down. Then Smash! You hit the back of the pickup truck in front of you. That’s why being distracted while driving is deadly, therefore it is important for the United States to consider strengthening their laws lof banning.
One great reason they should ban texting while driving is because of what happens on the roads. For example, I found in article one that “more than nine people are killed everyday because of people that are distracted because of the cell phones.That being said this means over 1,153 people are injured every year while others are being distracted.”
Another amazing reason they should ban
To investigate the dangers of texting while driving, a true experiment is needed to determine if texting is a cause of traffic accidents. A true experiment is thought to be the most accurate type of experimental research, and it is the only type that can establish a cause and effect relationship. Thus, a true experiment can find if texting is a cause that affects traffic accidents. To begin, the experiment will take place on a major road, located in an urban city because a large number of fatal traffic accidents occur in urban settings, when vehicles are traveling less than thirty miles per hour. Random assignment will be used to select participants, and place them into two equal groups, so the sample size is representative of age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level. Random assignment helps eliminate bias between tech savvy teenagers and older adults, or the use of technology between different ethnicities, or income levels. The experiment will include a control and experimental group, and the manipulated variable is texting while driving. The control group will be instructed to drive through the mapped out course, without a cell phone present in the car. However, the experimental group will drive through the same course, with cell phones that are receiving text messages. The experimenters will have a camera in the car that helps them collect data from the both groups. Each driver will be evaluated on, the number of times they send a text message, the number of
The majority of the people in the world don’t intentionally put themselves in dangerous situations, yet tragedies occur every day. Each year a motorcycle hill climbing competition is held in New Plymouth, Idaho called the Big Nasty Hill Climb. On September 19, 2009 my sister’s best friend Lacy Fine set out for a day of fun with her cousin Brittani and her cousin’s boyfriend Carlos to watch the hyped up event. She’s never been the most cautious person because her attention span is that of someone with ADHD or a stereotypical airhead. I say this with love in my heart, because she was literally a part of my family and would never purposefully hurt someone. I can
About 24,000 injuries per year along with 995 deaths are caused by cell phones (Driving). Texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence. Many risks develop when people text while driving or drive while intoxicated. Some risks include the following: crashes, money, and possibly even death.
Imagine you are driving down the road and you see you have a text message on your phone. What do you do?
The second reason of why texting while driving should be made illegal is that it is as dangerous, or even more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. In a research study it has been proven that even with a hands-free device, talking on a phone can impair driving skills more than driving under the influence of alcohol does (Saletan 3) because when under the influence the driver does not lose sight from the road and constantly knows what is going on around him, even though his judgment has been impaired and his reaction time has been slowed down. In contrast, texting while driving makes you lose sight from the road which makes the drivers reaction time much longer than someone driving under the influence and can make him end up in a very bad accident.
This includes the House Bill 1013 which went into effect back in October. It bans any driver of a motor vehicle to engage in text messaging. A few other states that ban the use of a cell phone while driving are Illinois, California, New York, and Indiana has a ban on any one under the age of 18.
As of 11/6/2016, 95% of Americans own cell phones. According to texting while driving statistics in 2011, 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones. Distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. In 2015, there were 3,477 people killed and an estimated additional 391,000 injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.
Being able the drive can be a dream come true for some people, but can also become a nightmare for some. The use of technology has become a big problem in the United States of America. Texting while driving is one of the biggest problem throughout the world. Drivers of car as well as others can be in danger Texting while driving should remain illegal because it can cause accidents, psychological problems for other, and the dangers of texting and driving.
Many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. However, some opponents feel that creating a law against cell phone use infringes their personal rights. Others think that banning someone from using their cell phones is equivalent to telling someone that they can't adjust their radio or chat with someone else in their car. However, using a cell phone, whether talking or texting, while driving can be extremely dangerous; it should be made illegal because it is very hazardous to yourself and the people surrounding you, can lead to the death of loved ones, and it is even compared to the danger level of drunk driving. No matter what age the driver is, under no
In today’s day and age, technology has drastically increased. People seem to rely on the use of their devices more than anything. Typically, whenever and wherever, everyone is engaged in some form of technology, cell phones in particular. From pagers, to car phones, to initial “flip-phones”, and now to smart-phones, people practically use up most of their daily time with these devices. Nowadays, a lot of people doesn’t even like to have phone conversations…they can deliver their entire thought through a simple text message. In some retrospect, that’s a very good thing; in others, it can be extremely crucial, especially when it comes to texting and driving. Texting and driving has been the leading cause of car accidents in the recent years,
Texting while driving puts everyone in danger because it takes your attention away from the task of driving. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) in 2015 there were 3,477 deaths and another 391,000 injuries caused by distracted driving in the United States, and that’s just in one year. While this
As the rapid development of developing countries, more and more people have enough money to buy cars and start to learn how to drive, but there few little things, which could cause negative effects or bring higher potential harmful risks, these new drivers may not notice when they finish the driver lesson. Of course, there are other drivers who have confidence in their skills of driving also have some wrong opinions about driving. For instance, they think using cell phone while driving, driving with one hand on the steering wheel and disobeying some traffic rules are appropriate and don’t give rise to negative results with fluke mind. As a developing country that has traffic problems, the road safety organization of Indonesia designed a serious of advertisements about the risks of texting during driving.
Secondly, and probably the least surprising, is the overuse of cellphones while driving. While it is not the largest cause of accidents, it contributes to 12% of distracted accidents. Texting is the largest problem, as the risk of crashing is increased by 23 times. However, phone calls, notifications, alarms and social media also add to the danger, with cellphone addiction being on the rise among today’s teens. Having your phone in one hand and the steering wheel in the other is too much to do at once, especially when most of your attention is towards typing out text messages to friends. There are many simple fixes for this, as you can ask a passenger to type messages or complete phone calls. If you are alone, then pulling over is the simplest
Cell phones, they are small mobile devices that have revolutionized the world. These little electronic devices have allowed us to communicate to loved ones and others alike through phone calls or text message. They also allow us to surf the web, which comes in handy when you need to look up something. So we can agree that cell phones are great inventions that help tremendously. But they also cause many problems, millions of problems and fact. Every year, millions of accidents are caused by people who were too busy paying attention to their phone and not to the road. Texting and driving has been one of the leading causes of accidents on the road because it has become such a normal thing for most people to do.
“The text says, “See you soon,” but you never do.” This quote is extremely powerful and exemplifies the true consequences of texting while driving. It points out that things do not always go as planned, and in an instant people’s lives can be changed forever. In addition, the citation also enhances the emotions of the reader by having such a bleak emphasis on texting and driving. Furthermore, there are many factors that support key elements within the dreadful topic. To name a few, statistics, comparisons, and the effect on age groups are all colossal components when speaking of texting and driving.