
Thankful For What I See

Decent Essays

Thankful for what I see. All of my life I have struggled with my weight, even as a pre-teen and teenager I can remember being on diets and trying to eat better so that I could lose weight. I always felt that I could do better, but I just could not find a way to lose weight and stick to it. For years, I did one diet after another trying to lose the weight then I realized that I was an emotional eater who ate when things were good and I ate when things were not so good. After years of this, I had to get serious about my weight because I had hit a critical point where nothing fit, my muscles hurt and even walking was a challenge. I was also preparing for some great things and having excess weight was only going to hinder my process. So, I decided not to diet but to make some necessary changes in my life. One of the first things I did was stop drinking sodas, juices, and drinks every day. The only things I drank daily was water and coffee, but even my coffee got a reboot. I stopped using Splenda, switched to Sugar in the Raw and I took the milk/cream out of my coffee. While those changes may seem simple, what I realized is that the sodas, juices, and drinks were adding unnecessary calories to my diet. I also took a serious look at all that I had heard about Splenda and finally decided that it was not best for my body anymore, but I also knew that white sugar in my coffee was not good for me either because I realized long ago that white sugar gave me a jolt and then

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