
Thanks For Your Feedback : Project Analysis

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Solve Your Top 3 IT Challenges Pt. 2: SMBs and IT …show more content…

(-- removed HTML --) Need for Affordable Security

As technology becomes increasingly widespread and complex, the cost of locally based storage and security options is soaring out of reach for many SMBs. Cloud services are much more affordable than locally based solutions. To implement a local solution, an SMB must buy the infrastructure upfront as a capital expenditure. On the other hand, cloud services can be purchased as a rental model or monthly operating expense.

In addition, the risk to SMBs is soaring. To protect themselves and their customers and meet their compliance requirements, SMBs need affordable and secure options. Cloud-based security is an affordable option.

(-- removed HTML --) Increased Complexity and Risk

The average SMB now supports around 50 mobile devices. This is just one indicator of the increasing complexity of the technological landscape for a typical SMB. With increased technological complexity comes increased security risk.

One of the great benefits of cloud environments for SMBs is simple management. Cloud services are built to reduce management complexity. Most cloud solutions offer simple single-pane management.

Simple management supports good security. If you manage multiple screens, you are more likely to miss an important security alert or issue. With one pane, you can remain focused on the most important issues.

(-- removed HTML --) How Secure Is the Cloud?


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