
The Advancement Of Time In Our Town By Thornton Wilder

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Humans are powerless to fight the advancement of time, realizing too late that they wasted time doing one thing while they were losing another. The play Our Town is told in three acts, explaining the years going by, and how the advance of time effects many characters. I agree that no one truly appreciates something until it is already gone, similar to how Wilder ponders about the advancement of time. Thornton Wilder expresses many ways of time taking its toll on many of the characters in the play. Wilder shows in his play that time moves with or without you and the characters in Our Town got a taste of the time keeper’s medicine. In the third act of Our Town, Simon Stimson, Mrs. Soames Mrs. Gibbs and Emily are all dead. Act three takes place at the cemetery where George, Dr. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Webb are all there mourning the death of Emily. Dr. Gibbs brings his deceased wife flowers.Leaving George with their 4 year old son, Emily joins the dead in the cemetery. George comes to visit Emily’s grave and falls to his knees in despair, filled with pain and sorrow his wife died during childbirth. Emily is an example of how an average person can marry and die before understanding the meaning of life. Getting married and having children at a young age, wasting time on one unimportant thing when something important is being pushed aside.
When Emily first entered the cemetery, she was hesitant. Soon after talking to Mama Gibbs, Mrs. Soames and Simon Stimson she becomes

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