
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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For all of the people who love Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, just as many hate it because of the offensive racial epithets and the derogatory portrayal of black characters Twain incorporates into the story. The book indisputably has racist themes integrated into almost every aspect of of it however, the subliminal message Twain ties into the physical plot derides racist ideals rather than expresses them. While reading Huckleberry Finn it is essential to discern the differences between the narrator, Huck Finn, and the author, Mark Twain, to fully grasp the meaning of the story. Critics think Twain has written a racist book because of Huck’s offensive point of view, but they must also keep in mind Huck is a young white boy who has grown up in a society who finds slavery and racism acceptable. In fully understanding Twain, the writing of his story, the historical context of the time period, and the backgrounds of his characters one can see The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn itself is not a racist story. Twain, born Samuel Clemens, has grown up in a slaveholding family, living in a society perhaps similar to Huck’s. Naturally he has racist ideals as a child but Twain’s views go onto chang. No sources provide exactly what reforms Twain’s perspective, but Twain scholar Dr. Shelley Fisher Fishkin notes that by the time of Twain publishes Huckleberry Finn, he is convinced that “slavery was a horrendous wrong” and that “white Americans owed black Americans some

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