
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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In this journal, both Nicole Amare and Alan Manning criticize the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn through Mormonism. To Amare and Manning, Twain’s fascination of Mormonism and the character’s literary meanings. Furthermore, they claim of Twain’s use of his use of politician names in the stories, which are seen as juxtaposed by Twain in the novel, impact the character Boggs and Governor Liburn Boggs of Independence, Missouri. However, these uses of political names can be portrayed as simply political satire by Twain. Overall, the criticism received by Amare and Manning display a desire to retire the book from its vulgar state. This is due to them interpreting Twain’s use of religious parody as real life templates of murder. To purely build an argument considering this journal may seem slightly extreme in some cases. Moreover, their claims cannot simply be used without any external information to back it up such as Twain’s irreligious history and basing it to interpret a symbolical framing of himself as Sherben, the one who supposedly ordered the murder of Boggs. However, using this source will provide an exceptional synopsis of interpretations given by the general public over the debate.

Robert Fikes, Jr. of San Diego State University presents this idea of a ‘Black Love-Hate’ affair in the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. First, Fikes overviews the national media reporting the substitution of the word, “nigger”, with “slave” and the usage of how this

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