
The Affordable Care Act Of The United States

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The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The Affordable Care Act also nicknamed as “ObamaCare” faced huge amounts of adversity and challenges on its way to being ratified and upheld by the Supreme Court. Some of these arguments highlight the disadvantages of free social services, the escalating federal deficit, and the altering the healthcare industry’s landscape completely. Healthcare is generally defined as providing for the wellbeing of a personal through medical services. In America, all services come with a price, and healthcare has become an industry that is nearly only about the money and less about the patient. Needless to say, the quality of care that a patient receives is almost …show more content…

However, these are microcosms of a person’s total being that must be treated and care for as well. The Affordable Care Act outlines guidelines for “essential health benefits” that must be covered by every insurance company, “ Obamacare 's "essential health benefits," which include ambulatory and ER care, hospital stays, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance abuse services, prescription drug plans, rehabilitative care, and lab work. Dental and vision care is covered until a child reaches age 19”, (KidsHealth). It is important that when maintaining one’s health, not only the physical aspects are considered. Mental health and social health ultimately affect one’s physical health as well. That is why counseling services and rehabilitation centers are at an extreme need because mental health and substance abuse rates are at all times highs in our communities and our country. The repercussions of these can be felt on the physical body through side effects and neurological imbalances, which also lead to heart disease, stress, and stroke. The highest “silent killers” in our nation. America is melting pot; there are an enormous variety of cultures and ethnicities represented in our general population. This population diversity is also reflected in healthcare participants. With the diverse amount of backgrounds, there also becomes a need for transcultural health care and acknowledging that not every culture views

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