
The African Of African Descent

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The people that are one of the most oppressed and restricted throughout recent history, if not the most, are considered to be the those of African descent. There was, and arguably, still is institutionalized racism against people of African descent in the Americas, with a prime example being the peculiar institution of slavery. This institution was so peculiar that, in many countries, the long, entire process of capturing, enslaving, and forcing of people to work, primarily those that were of African descent, became so profitable and efficient that slavery became the backbone of an entire country in terms of labor, such as the United States. Naturally, of course, there was always a constant resistance to this oppression, no matter where the enslaved people were, or under which circumstances they were subject to. The Africans that were brought to the Americas as captives by Europeans would resist against their captors in different ways, and so would their descendants, until they were liberated. Understanding what slavery was commonly like is important, as it allows one to gain information on the outstanding cruelties of slavery, as well as give reason to the sometimes extreme resistances put up by the Africans and African Americans. It is important to note that enslaved persons were fifty percent more likely to die in their first fourteen years of life when compared to their white, free, counterparts, largely due to an innutritious diet that more often than not consisted of

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