
The Age Of Exploration Is Just Beginning, Not Ending On Our Planet : Globalization And The Age Expansion

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“The Age of Exploration is Just Beginning, Not Ending, on Our Planet”: Globalization and the Age Expansion
Lasting from Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the “New World” in 1492 to the early seventeenth century, The Age of Discovery and Exploration led to colonization and the expansion of European empires. This conquest aimed to enrich the European colonizers, who wanted to expand their empires and wealth. Although the age of conquest is over, the age of expansion is not; globalization and economics have replaced conquest and territory in the quest for a world empire. Globalization has evolved from colonization to economic liberalism, a change that has begun to reverse the effects of the former, and bring hope to the Latin American people who have been devastated by European imperialism.
European expansion to the “New World” was detrimental to Latin America; not only did it deplete the resources, but it created widespread poverty and instability. In Open Veins of Latin America, Eduardo Galeano maintains that Latin America “exist[s] at the service of others’ needs, as a source of [natural resources],” (Galeano 1). This Dependista perspective highlights the exploitation Latin Americans have suffered because of European colonization. It argues that Europeans made Latin America dependent on other powers, specifically their European colonizers, and subservient to their interests. By centering their goal of wealth, Europeans conquered Latin America’s resources, drying up their

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