
The Allegory Of The Cave

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My first reaction to this reading was, "What in the world did I just read?". I honestly didn't comprehend anything that was said in this reading other than the fact that two men were having a very intense conversation. I'm honestly not used to reading older books or books that use older versions of the English language. I took me a few rereads to finally understand what the story was about. Furthermore, the story is indeed based on two men having a conversation but the conversation was based on how a man named Socrates starts questioning his friend about the workings of the world. He continually questions is a friend, making the question more intense and deep each time while his friend gives short nonchalant responses. Making it look like Socrates is just having a conversation with himself rather than actually having the philosophical debate he seemed to want. …show more content…

When people are trapped in a place with no outside influence, its hard to have different forms of ideas and opinions because they are all used in the same way of thinking. Glaucon relates the people he sees in the cave to prisoners. (2006). The idea that these humans sitting down are imprisoned relates to when people are imprisoned, they aren't able to see the world as someone who is free. In Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave" Socrates brings up the concept where if someone trapped in the cave was to look into the light will it be too painful and make them want to look away. (2006). Metaphorically speaking he's pondering on about someone's mind was so imprisoned, will that person be able to even fathom other ideas and concepts if their kinds have been fed the same ideas for so

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