
The American And French Revolution In The 1800's

Decent Essays

Revolutions usually occur when people are unhappy about their lives, and thus they unite to share ideas and even revolt. During the 1700’s to the 1800’s there were two important revolutions that arose, the American Revolution and the French revolution. There were many similarities and differences in the causes, nature and outcomes of the two revolutions.

Similarly, both revolutions began with enlightenment ideals, which focused on the idea of individual rights. The 18-century was regarded as the enlightenment period where many thinkers such as Jean Jack and Voltaire wrote about the importance of individual rights. The American and French revolution was caused because there was an increase in tax, which caused the people to be upset. And therefore, the people came together and decided that something must be done. Another similarity was that the two revolutions had documents that represent the purpose of the revolutions. For the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence was established in order to gain freedom from the British. For the French Revolution, there is the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen was the statement, which ended all the special rights that …show more content…

The main reason it was successful was that it was not a rebellion against the government, but against having too much government controlling the people. Whereas, the French revolution was considered a “true” rebellion against the King and the government. The French people were the ones fighting to gain freedom beginning with the Storming of the Bastille. Also, both countries were suffering because they were in debt from the Seven Years War. Many taxes were put on each country to pay these debts off, leading to many protests and rebellions. The main similarity in the French and American Revolution is that commoners were fighting for equality and

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