
The American Dassey Case

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Can you imagine being bombarded and harassed by the police? Them telling you that you did something that you didn’t? But most importantly, trying to force you to be convinced any say that you did? Netflix highlights this case in their making of a murder series. Since the series debuted on December 18 2015, the case has become more and more popular and was even showed in Wilson Civics class last year. Brendan Dassey was treated unethically by law enforcement because they violated deontology.
A young girl was murdered on October 31st (Halloween), 2005. Brendan Dassey was accused of murdering the female photographer along with his uncle, Steven Avery. The pair were convicted on April 25, 2007 after a nine day trial Steven Avery, was charged by the local police decades before this for rape and attempted murder. After serving 18 years DNA evidence proved that he did not commit the crime and he was released. After being released Steven Avery filed a lawsuit against the county police department. Avery and Dassey argued that this was a “set up” by the police …show more content…

Based on limited evidence that I have seen between news articles and the documentary on the case I believe that the defense has a strong standpoint. So, I believe that Brenden Dassey and Steven Avery are innocent. For example, after serving almost two decades in prison and filling a multi million dollar lawsuit what motive could Steven Avery have to kill the girl. Additionally, I believe that Dassey’s “confession” to the murder should be eliminated from the case because he was a minor who was questioned without his parents and the police pressured him and told him what to say and write. Deontology is the study of nature of duty and obligation. This would suggest that the police officers violated the deontology framework concept because they did not follow the guidelines of proper policies and rules for

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