
The American Dream Act Law

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The american dream can be defined as freedom, success, and opportunity and may differ from person to person. So what does the american dream mean to you? As for me a Mexican-American raised my whole life in the USA, my vision of the american dream is the same of most first generation immigrant children. That dream is to succeed in where our parents could not, such as pursuing an education past high school and embarking in a career. Although seemingly easy to any individual born in this country or individuals granted legal residency , the task is actually quite challenging to those who come from a family of illegal immigrants looking for a better tomorrow. With The Federal Dream Act Law the voices of immigrants who are looking to …show more content…

It was until The Dream Act (acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) was introduced to congress in 2001 and following in 2010. It started giving hope and a voice for all young illegal immigrants.

With the federal dream act law, Immigrants that came from other countries can legally stay in the country without fearing deportation and allowing immigrants or so called “Dreamers” to further their education or academic goal, apply for a job legally and be eligible for a residential driver license although The Dream Act is very helpful there are some pre-qualifications that need to be met. According to Flair Isaiah:

“First, the minors must have excellent moral character. This is generally understood that they have not committed any crimes. Second, they must have either graduated from a US high school or obtained their GED certificate in the United States. Third, they must have first moved to the United States as a minor and lived there for at least five years prior to the DREAM Act becoming law.If applicants fulfill these requirements, the DREAM Act would give them official temporary residency status after they either served in the military for two years or completed two years of college. The temporary residency status would last for a period of six years, during which they would be eligible to apply for permanent resident status.”(Salem Press,2013)

The Federal Dream Act is not a law that grants every single immigrant

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