
The American Dream And The Pursuit Of The American Dream

Decent Essays

When one is asked, “What is the American Dream?,” words such as wealth, fame, and success all immediately come to mind. However, the true essence of the American Dream does not rely solely on economic status, rather it includes the ability to pursue happiness with the many opportunities presented. The American Dream symbolizes the idea that every person has the capability to live a better life based on their work ethic. I have an invested belief in the American Dream as both my parents came from India to New York City as immigrants. As a child of naturalized American citizens, I can truly see how with the privileges offered in America, my parents have prospered and encapsulated success. Furthermore, the American Dream does not just apply to a specific category of people. Anyone, regardless of gender, race, religion, or any other often dividing factor, can reach their goals based on what they consider success. A quintessential part of the American identity is the solidarity in which people believe that with the countless opportunities in America, one can achieve the American Dream. My mother and father immigrated to the America in 1996 when they were offered positions at an informational technology company in the heart of America’s booming economic center-New York City. They settled in an apartment by only knowing each other and experiencing American culture by complete immersion. By embracing their new found discovery of opportunities, my father went on to receive a

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