
The American Dream

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Opportunities are all over the place in America, a person can come from nothing and work hard and manage to come out in the end successful, the opportunities are far and wide. American culture revels on individualism: Freedom of speech, liberation, and the value of an individual are some of the things that are associated with America. The American dream where folks in the US have the liberty to follow their dreams, no matter how crazy or unconventional they are. And while the economy might be crumbling and social mobility isn’t exactly easy, a lot of people still manage to achieve what they want through hard work, luck and determination. Unfortunately, the American dream is becoming more and more materialistic. I suppose when you look back at America from 40 to 50 years ago to now, it has always been a bit materialistic, but viewing America today vs back then, it is a nation that has become obsessed with shopping and buying unnecessary products. It seems almost predetermined that our nation would be centered on material goods because when our land was first established, it had immeasurable riches. People from all over the world come into this country in search of the American dream, which involved, above all, freedom. However, the American dream has vastly transformed into a country where cultures united and solidified into a materialistic culture.
After our country was founded and many centuries after, it seems that materialism now has reached its high point. As once wisely

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