
The American Dream In Today's Society

Decent Essays

The American Dream is a term that is often thrown around when talking about the careers and futures of American youth, but what is the “American Dream” referring to? There is no clear-cut definition of the “American Dream” as it is a term in which the meaning is altered based on the person defining it because of their personal background or bias. James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America gives a more cohesive definition of the American Dream as he states: “life should be better and richer for everyone, with the opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth”. The American Dream can be characterized as a rich life full of opportunity and possibilities regardless of any background from which one may come from. …show more content…

In the Declaration of Independence, it states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal…”. The founding fathers of this country dreamed of a nation of equality for all. This dream is still living on in America today in the form of social activism against racism and other discriminatory practices in this country. As stated in Creating the American Dream by American Radio Works, “ The American Dream legally protects every American's right to achieve their potential. That allows them to contribute their utmost to society. It is the belief that the best way to ensure national progress is to protect citizens’ right to improve their lives”. With that being said, it can be seen how equal opportunities for everyone still ties into the American Dream as it did when the term was first

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