
The American Dream : The Meaning Of The American Dream

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The American Dream, a dream that changes meaning as it passes through each and every American in the U.S. This meaning has been altered to the point where the American dream revolves around money and some Americans don’t even believe that the American dream is accessible to them. I believe that the American Dream isn’t accessible to Americans because of the amount of money that needs to be pumped into it. The dream used to just be about living a good life and being happy but now we’re so focused on money that we don’t have time to enjoy life and we work ourselves to death earning money. This has allowed more immigrants from other countries to achieve their own form of American Dream before Americans even believe it is possible to achieve. The first piece of evidence that supports my argument is that Americans are too focused on earning money instead of enjoying how they live and how much better their life is. In the Drama, “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry, Ruth Younger and Lena younger are having a talk about money and Ruth seems to be worrying about earning money for the family while Lena (better known as Mama in the script) keeps changing the topic of money and tells her to care for herself instead. Ruth is one of the many Americans that will literally work herself to death to gain more money without thinking about how good her life was like Lena thinks. If more people had the same mentality as Lena the American Dream’s meaning would have shifted and more

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