
The American Dream Today Essay

Decent Essays

Before looking at what American dream is today, we need to look at its roots. It has always said that the government will protect your opportunity to improve your life, no matter who you are. While some believe the American Dream can be obtained because America provides access and materials to be successful, others question the concept of the American Dream because it is different for each person. The american dream is still possible, depends who the dreamer. Many people think the American Dream is not is possible today. Mark Clements did a survey to Americans nationwide and the survey show 47% of people say that no matter how hard they work, they cannot get ahead. If you don’t see results in your work, change it! It is possible that doing the things of another way you find the success that you crave. According to Lester Spencer Another American Dream, rooted in beliefs about racial equality, particularly along political and economic lines, is contained in Martin Luther King Jr's “I Have a Dream” speech. It is not important which be the different opinions about the American dream, we all look for a common good, but is some causes the situation is a little different, the …show more content…

Well, America give us some materials to be successful and we are the workers whose work is to convert our dream into reality. As Tony Robbins said “Each one make their own happiness” (Tony Robbins) . But still we need laws for be successful, Laws that provide support to the society.However, Simone adds <> At present the society believe he government is not supporting them. A survey of middle-income Americans about their financial outlooks showed both skepticism and hope. One of those surveys said << 89% of the respondents believe that businesses have a social responsibility to their employes and to the community.Another one of those said << 74% of the middle class say they take responsibility for their own financial success or

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