The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) was founded in April 1916 by eight local teachers in Winnetka, Illinois. The union began to rise and drew more members during World War I when school boards were pressuring and intimidating teachers to resign from the union. From this time, the union fought for tenure laws and academic freedoms of teachers whose belief were investigated, following the “Red scare” hysteria. Fast forward to the 21st century, now governed by elected officers and delegates to the union’s biennial convention, the AFT represents about 80,000 early childhood teachers and 250,000 retiree members. The national union represents 1.6 million pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel; …show more content…
According to Center for Responsive Politics, in 2012, AFT spends $21 million on political activities and lobbying, along with $53 million in political contributions since 1990. 99% of this contribution went to Democrats. The AFT learn toward the liberal side of the spectrum which can be seen through who they advocate and endorse for. Educators fight for immigrant students and their families, academic freedom and free speech against hate incidents, and protection for workers in public safety and criminal justice whom face difficult “societal” challenges. In June 2015, the AFT endorsed Hillary Clinton for President. President Randi Weingarten compares Clinton to members of the AFT who fought their entire career for children and families as she believes that Clinton is a leader who share the same …show more content…
This conference is affiliated with AFT Higher Education program. The AFT Higher Education policy makes statements regarding issues such as tenure, shared governance, contingent labor, teacher education and technology offer information and policy guidance. The program sets arguments and negotiating strategies to advance the union agenda. Having to be the first trade union to allow African Americans and minorities to become full members, it doubled the amount of members and set equal pay for African American and called for equal educational opportunities for African American children. Although, in 1957, when the union expelled all locals that refused to desegragate it lossabout 7,000 members. In 1963, the AFT actively supported the March On Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Now, stronger than ever, the AFT scattered across the nations. Locals are placed throughout cities, such as the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, PFT, which is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) as Local
Earl Mosley, a postal employee, picketed at Jones Commercial High School in Chicago for seven months continuously. The subject of this matter was his thoughts that Jones Commercial High School used a quota. He carried a sign that read as follows: ?Jones High School practices
While the public opinion towards unions has softened in the recent years, unions still face a monumental task in trying to regain, or even maintain membership levels. In order to maintain their current proportion of the workforce, unions must organize 300,000 workers a year. In order to even begin to approach the
By the mid-1940s, the Local 22 had housed several entertainment events including classes in labor history, black history and current situations for the African Americans . All of these actions helped promote the relations between the civil rights movements and the labor movements, aiming at the equal rights and freedom in the country. In 1964, when the Bills of Rights was signed, which, according to Lichtenstein, marked “the defense of American job rights would be found… through an individuals’ claim to his or her civil rights based on race, age, gender or other attribute ”, it obviously became one of the most significant events of the labor-civil rights movements, and at that time, the “organized workers stood on the winning side” . Though there were many unions and associations which were just like NAACP, FTA and UCAPAWA, and tried to use civil rights as a tool to defend the labor’s rights, and as mentioned, they had reached their goals somehow – many blacks had joined the unions, starting to realize the intimate connections between labor and civil rights, thus making the appeal more powerful.
Reading chapter six of America’s Teachers: An Introduction to Education (Newman, 2006) reminded me of the Barenaked Ladies song It’s All Been Done (Page, 1998). As I read the conflicting sides of each argument regarding education as far back of the Civil War, I kept thinking how none of this sounded new. It’s all been done before, and we are still debating many of the same issues. Newman (2006) put it another way, “Despite promoters’ claims to the contrary, few educational wheels are brand new. Most have been reinvented. Sold to the public as innovations, they are more like retreaded and recycled tires” (p.180). The purpose of education, the way in which education is managed by state and federal governments, and whom we educate (and how) will always be, in my opinion, a hot debate.
A teacher union is an association of teaching professionals who work to secure their rights and interests. The first thing that pops into my head when I hear “teacher unions,” is that they are beneficial not only to teachers, but also students and families. Being protected and having stable conditions is given to the families of both the students and teachers. It is to be true that teacher unions help to have a positive influence on the academic performance of the students, additionally, the quality of public education. Currently, not all will be certain that this is true, but in Taking Sides it goes in depth on whether teacher unions are positively and/or negatively affecting schooling. Andrew Coulson argues that yes teacher unions stymie school reforms, whereas Louis Malfaro argues that no teacher unions are absolutely influencing the improvements of teaching and learning positively. Both Coulson and Malfaro have significant points to back up this argument on what they believe about teacher unions.
The 1969 strike of foodservice workers at UNC Chapel Hill was a labor dispute involving lunch ladies, less than 20 women of color, working in a college cafeteria serving the large student population. This unlikely group of women and their labor dispute had a much more important effect on the larger perspective of not only work conditions and wages for women and African Americans, but the macro level of civil rights on college campuses in the south during the civil rights movement. The efforts of the women and Black Student Movement to fight for fair pay, We will also look at the impact this labor dispute had for not only the college campus but also the entire state of North Carolina and the nation at large. Not only geographically, we will also examine the effect this foodservice strike has had on the fast food industry presently and labor relations for the “Fight for 15” movement.
America has encountered a change within the teaching profession: concerning, experience, age, credentials, and ethnic background (Feistritzer, 2011). It is almost as if the year of 2005, overturned the trend of older employed teachers (Feistritzer, 2011). A six-year survey shows that the amount of teachers under the age of thirty has increased drastically, and that most teachers have earned master degrees. Also, although teaching has been a predominately white profession, more Hispanic and African American teachers were hired between the years of 2005 and 2011 (Feistritzer, 2011).
The Texas AFT wants to influence the legislator because the school districts have been left to try to make up for inadequate state aid by raising local tax rates, even as the state has continued to make it much harder for them to accomplish this. Basically, all they want to do is handle the budget crisis in the school districts of Texas. To analyze the successes and failures of Texas AFT in influencing legislation is short and sweet; school systems are still under budgeted and local taxes are still being raised to help the schools. The only break educators have received was in 2006 with “surplus” dollars tax swap for which the bill is now belatedly coming due.
Teach for America has had its share of controversies. The organization has placed TFA corps members into positions previously held by veteran teachers. Some districts are laying off veteran teachers and replacing them with TFA to ease budget issues. The practice of laying off veteran teachers and replacing them with TFA has been reported in Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, and Washington, D.C. (Heilig & Jez, 2010). Veteran teachers are having to compete with Teach for America recruits for teaching positions despite their lengthier training because TFA recruits are cheaper than teachers with experience or advanced degrees (Hootnick, 2014).
One hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation was written, African Americans were still fighting for equal rights in every day life. The first real success of this movement did not come until the Brown vs. Board of Education decision in 1954 which was followed by many boycotts and protests. The largest of these protests, the March on Washington, was held on August 28, 1963 “for jobs and freedom” (March on Washington 11). An incredible amount of preparation went into the event to accommodate the hundreds of thousands of people attending from around the nation and to deal with any potential incidents.
Labor unions are lawfully recognized as envoys of employees in many companies in the United States. Activities of labor unions are centered on collective bargaining over workers’ benefits, working conditions, and salaries. They also stand in for their members in disagreements with management over the contract provisions violation. There are also larger unions that engage in activities of lobbying and electioneering at the federal or state level. In America, most unions are associated with one or two wider umbrella organizations. These unions stand to advocate legislation and policies on the workers’ behalf. They are also actively involved in workers politics, as well as issues of global trade but as times generations changed have they out lived their purpose. This paper examines labor unions, labor laws, NLRB and, the different generations represented in the workforce and how they affect the future of the Union.
For the second time in almost 4 years, over 350,000 Chicago Public School Students may not be able to go to school because of the CTU Strike that is currently in progress today (The Washington Post). The issue between the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools has not been solved yet due to disagreements about the income received. The Chicago Teachers Union has made offers to school administrations; however, the responses were not in their favor. The union has been in progress of agreeing on a contract “since November 2011, [and the strike that occurred at the time] was the first to hit the Windy City in 25 years” (Liebelson). The issue must have erupted due to a misconception or a realization of problems occurring. Chicago Teachers Union choosing to strike does not affect charter schools since they are not a part of Chicago Public Schools. The issue of school strikes can be fixed by increasing the budgets and providing useful resources to teachers in order to improve the level of education.
The NEA and the AFT represent millions of teachers throughout the country. Moe indicates that teachers unions are known has political powerhouses which contribute millions of dollars to campaign contributions and lobbying. Fortune Magazine has consistently ranked National Education Association in the top 15 of its Washington Power 25 list for influence in the nation’s capital. The American Federation of Teachers along with the National Education Association has given more than $60 million combined in campaign contributions over the last 20 years (Moe 267). Ballot initiatives that are created in to order to begin school reform usually are defeated because their huge sums of moneys that come from these unions in order to defeat a ballot that can jeopardize a teacher’s job. Let’s keep in mind that unions are designed to protect the interest of the teachers, unions are not designed to help the interest of children. The unions use this money mostly to demand special interest for the teachers, such as imposing a structure at the workplace giving teacher’s rights and restricting managerial control. Teacher unions are by far the most powerful forces in American education and use their power to promote their own special interests at any expense.
Teacher Unions have evolved over time and have been essential in education equality and reform. Some now question the motivation behind these unions and whether or not they are now a barrier to reform, rather than a assistant. This paper will explore the evolvement of not only Teacher Unions, but the purpose and motivation behind said unions. Two of the most predominately known unions are American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association, NEA.
In my position as a union leader, I have seen teachers fight tirelessly for these causes. Also in this position, I have worked with teachers who do not understand that the role of unions as well as the relationships that they have with their districts must change to survive. This change in relationship status must be made by both the union as well as the district their teachers serve. I am lucky to be a part of union and district that understands this need for change. I have witnessed a shift in the mentality of the people I work with. Someday, I would like to play a role in other districts changing their “us against them” mentality by taking what I have learned about empowering teachers; the people who play the biggest role in educating students and giving them a bigger say in how our students are