
The American Rocky and the Russian Machine Drago

Decent Essays

Americans may be altruistic, but we Russians are winners. My arrogant trainer wants me to win for himself and Mother Russia, and not for me. My wife disparages all Americans as if they are undeserving, worthless humans. They continuously tell me to stay taciturn, but I know deep down that I should voice my opinion. That American “Rocky” is the antithesis of the Russian machine Drago. When I am done with him, his face will be crenelated. It was a given that the fight promoters would always try to embellish a fight, but this fight needed no extra promotion or incentive to come. The whole world would be watching. I have laud Rocky for his story. He came from nothing and now is here with one of the most powerful men in the world. With all of Russia counting on me, and all of America counting on Rocky, I knew the match would be anything but subtle. The fight was given the superfluous name of “World War III”. When I killed Apollo Creed in the ring, I felt no discern for what I had done. All I could think was how proud I had made my country. Not that I had just murdered a man. As the press promoted the fight more and more, my disdain for all of America grew.

Rocky is known for his amazing abilities, but I am afraid this will be the defamation of him. They told me to be an autonomous machine that couldn't lose. My hypocritical trainer, Ivan, accused Rocky of using steroids at one point. The whole time, he had been giving me steroids. I must stay opaque during the entire

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