
The Anti Free Speech Movement

Satisfactory Essays

Something I dislike is the anti free speech movement. I love free speech, it is without a doubt one of the most basic and important human rights that no society can live without. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought should always be uncensored and encouraged in every facet of life. When James Madison was writing the first draft of what would someday become the bill of rights, there was a reason he put the first amendment at the top. This country was founded on the two notions first, that all men were created equal and second, that unpopular opinions shouldn’t be illegal. I know I’m waxing patriotic but there’s a point to all of this. Free speech matters most because of it’s opponents. There are people that want me silenced because I like …show more content…

Sunlight is the best disinfectant if you want an idea to go away use your speech to tell people about it. There have been multiple recent examples of violent protests keeping people away from speeches, from websites, and from rallies. The worst part is that this hurts everyone, it hurts the speaker by denying them their human right to think differently but it also hurts the protester. It hurts the protester because they are denying themselves the opportunity to test new ideas to change themselves, to better themselves, and if nothing else to improve their critical thinking. I would not be the person I am today if I didn’t give new ideas a chance. This matters to me, it mattered to the founding fathers, and it should matter to you. There is no hope for academia, for the people, and for thought if we do not stand together as a country and fight not just for ourselves but for each other. While I can't compare the current situation to the holocaust I believe the famous quote by Martin Niemoller is still incredibly relevant “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out Because I was not a

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