
The Apartheid Of Nelson Mandela And Many Others

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As a result of the work of Nelson Mandela and many others, apartheid, an oppressive form of government that promoted systematic segregation and institutionalized racism in South Africa, was ended in 1994.
The Afrikaans word apartheid means separateness, and during the period of the apartheid, people were classified and separated into different racial groups where the civil and human rights of non-whites were curtailed. Although apartheid started in 1948, the roots of inequality were presented years before as a result of Dutch and British control. Both countries colonized South Africa in order to control South Africa’s lucrative and generally untapped mining industry. South African workers, including the skilled and unskilled, were forsaken to work menial jobs and receive low wages. The establishment of many unfair laws allowed for the takeover to occur; they mark the beginning of apartheid and many more discriminatory regulations that were to come which include, but are not limited to pass laws, laws that required non-whites to have identification that showed their right to be in certain areas, and the exclusion of the non-white right to vote.
The daily lives of all South Africans were severely altered with the initiation and administration of apartheid. Even the simple things like where a person could live, type of work, or places a person could travel were limited for non-whites. And although the white population was a minority in South Africa they were the ones who held

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