
The Apology Has Much More Depth Than Just A Dialogue

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The Apology has much more depth than just a dialogue recounting a legal jurisprudence. The individuals within the discourse are fashioned by their values and beliefs. The political arena is wrought with uncertainty and fear due to the continuing state of upheaval and war. Socrates presents himself to the jury as a moralist, a humanitarian, and a philosopher who believes in duty to the youth, the citizens, and the municipality. He claims innocence against the accusations. However, Socrates is found guilty. He accepts his punishment, death, without question alluding obedience to the state and its authority. Although Socrates accepts his punishment, I say it is ethically acceptable for citizens of a community to refuse to comply with civic authority. The circumstance within which a citizen would find such acceptance relies upon what is ethically right compared to what is considered acceptable. Within each person lies the answer to solve any dilemma that causes a weight upon their very soul. Now while it is true that everyone’s values are different and not every law is agreeable to all, civic duty is part of the social contract. The social contract which the governed made with its citizens gives certain liberties while agreeing to offer certain protections. For if each individual only obeyed the laws with which they agreed and disobeyed the laws with which they disagreed, there would be absolute chaos. However, revolutionary movements would not be necessary if not for the

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