
History Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict

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The Arab-Israeli conflict began in 1948, when the British Mandate over Palestine ended. Resulting in the proclamation that established the Jewish state in Eretz Israel. The conflict was a struggle between the Jewish state or Israel and the Arabs of the Middle East concerning the territory and control over Palestine. The geographical area and political status of Palestine has changed dramatically over the years, but the region as always been considered Holy Land. This Holy Land is sacred among the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. During the twentieth century, Palestine has been the object of conflicting claims and beliefs of both Arab and Jewish national movements. Resulting in violence, and open warfare opposing Israel’s existence. The Arab nations initiated four wars against Israel since the beginning of the conflict. These wars were both complex and focused on the political, strategic, and economic interests. These wars include the War of Independence in 1948, the Sinai War in 1956, the Six Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. As Israel fought against the Arab nations, they succeeded in each time. The conflicts between Arab and Israeli are in relation to the political tensions, military conflicts, and the many disputes between Arab countries and Israel, such as land and existence.
An overview of history for the Arab-Israeli conflict, the War of Independence in 1948 began immediately upon the British withdrawal. Many researchers and historians divide the war

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