The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the one of the world’s oldest conflicts, and it is still an ongoing problem in the world. Zionists and Arabs: two groups with conflicting beliefs who both claim Israel as their own. In wake of the Holocaust the U.N decided to gift the Jews a homeland for the lives lost in the genocide. In 1947, the U.N Partition divided the land of Israel (Historic Palestine) into two separate states: Arab and Jewish. Since then, the state of Israel has been the center of conflict between the Arabs and the Zionists. As time passed the Zionists gained more land from winning the Six-Day War, and consequently the Palestinians had to live as refugees in other Arab countries. Additionally, more than 75% of the land belonged to …show more content…
This solution will eradicate mass murders and even out the distribution of land. Intifadas and suicide bombing have taken the lives of many innocent Israelis and Palestinians. In fact, “Since 1944, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have dispatched more than 80 suicide bombers. The terrorist have blown up buses in major Israeli cities, as well as shopping malls, cafes, and other civilian targets” (Doc. #5). Hamas had the same goal as the PLO; destroying Israel and creating a Palestinian state. It’s important to realize that Hamas and the PLO’s main motive was not to eliminate other civilians, but in order to gain their property back for their fellow Palestinians. Many of these suicide bombings could have been prevented if a two-state solution was established, which would have left both parties untroubled. Unfortunately, we have seen intifadas start to rise in Israel, which have caused more deaths in the country. In detail, more than 8,184 Palestinians were killed after the 2 intifadas, and more than 1,581 Israelis were killed after the uprisings (Doc. #7). Some might say that the Palestinians started the rebellion by these killings, and therefore the conflict istheir fault. But if the world and the Quartet (EU, U.S, U.N and Russia) decided on a multi-state resolution, they could have stopped the conflicts. More than 9,765 people died all because of the international community not providing help by splitting up …show more content…
The best solution to all the continuous wars and problems is a two-state solution; making a Jewish state and a Palestinian state and making Jerusalem neutral to both groups. The conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians will only end when both of the groups get an equal amount of land, and also when both of the groups start to recognize each other as a
The conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis is largely a religious conflict. Even though religion, ethnicity, territory, and politics are inextricably interwoven, the conflict is largely fueled and driven on by the religious rift between Judaism and Islam. Without the religious component of a Jewish state and the religious identity of the Palestinians clashing against one another, perhaps the conflict would still have emerged out of territorial or nationalistic disputes. However, it is likely that the conflict would have been far less heated, perhaps less deadly, and certainly more easily resolved that is currently the case. Thus, while qualifying that politics, territory, and ethnicity cannot be separated
The most essential reasons behind the Israel-Palestine conflict were geocultural factors. These factors contributed greatly to the contentious argument between both groups because with the geocultural perspective, the religious tensions between Muslims and Jews have resulted in the problematic issue over the holy structures in Jerusalem. The second most contributing factors in the Israel-Palestine conflict were psychological factors. These were the second greatest factors that started the dispute because with the psychological perspective, the aftereffects of the holocaust have traumatized the remaining Jews and also the Palestinian refugees losing their homeland. The conflict takes place in the Middle East, holy land of Jerusalem and officially started from 1948 and ongoing. The average person in Israel is a wealthy Jew and the typical Palestinian is an impoverished Muslim. The forced migration of Palestinian refugees and military checkpoints are disadvantages towards Palestine and are huge advantages to the Israelis.
Of course it is known that it is in the best interest of both people to find a solution. Many on both sides want a two state solution, but each side has yet to come up with a plan that is workable. Economically, it would be in the best interest of the Palestinians to have peace with Israel. Israel is one of the most advanced nations in the world when it comes to medicine, pharmacology, and technology" ("Stick a label on it; Israel and Palestine."). "They have their own weapons industry, are able to grow crops in the desert, have advanced universities and technical schools. If Palestinian children could share in this they would be able to overcome their stunted past. Socially, both groups share so many of the same features. Their dietary laws are similar, language is similar, even holidays hold similarities. But, they do not seem to be able to get over the fact that so much has transpired that split them apart" ("Primer on Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli
Let us have ambitions; ambitions to move beyond the violence and occupation, to the day when two states, Palestine and Israel, can live together side by side in peace and security. ~King Abdullah II. In the country of Israel there are two conflicting ethnic/religious groups, the Israelis and the Palestinians. Israelis have most of the power, and run the actual state of Israel, whereas Palestinians have only inconsequential amounts of authority outlined by the Oslo Accords, for this reason, there has been ongoing conflict amongst Israelis and Palestinians. This conflict began when the Romans expelled Jews from this area in 31 BCE, which
When the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is mentioned, many people cringe. This topic is the center of controversy and the main topic of discussion at peace meetings. Although several meetings have taken place over time to resolve this conflict, fighting continues to rage on. This dispute between the Israelis and Palestinians threatens the entire world. Now with access to nuclear warheads and chemical weapons, this quarrel could easily get out of hand and affect the entire world. Although most people have heard about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they do not truly know the history and actual events of this age-old war.
On May 4, 1948, the Middle East changed as we knew it. Israel had become an official nation in the land where Palestinians once resided. Jewish people needed a place to reside after the persecution of over six million Jews. The British government, because it was in control of Palestine, allowed the Jewish people to reside in Palestine. This caused great tensions in the Middle East. In 1948-1949, there was a war between Israel and the Arab states. This war resulted in 700,000 Palestinian refugees. The Palestine-Israel conflict has been in effect since May 15, 1948. In 1967, Israel controlled 78% of what was Palestine, and the number is even higher today. ( Auphr (Americans
The thesis of this article is an examination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and both the things that have prevented it from being resolved as well as potential solutions or measures directed at establishing peace. The Author’s major arguments in this article start with Israel and how they feel that they have a Biblical right to occupy the areas of the West Bank. The author then goes on to discuss how the Palestinians also feel that they have a right to this land as a birthright because they have occupied this land over time as their own. After discussing why both sides feel as if they deserve to call the land in conflict their own he discusses neither side is happy with what is going on. In this section he discusses how the Israelis
The two-state solution has been constantly talking about through the Arab-Israeli conflict, yet no side can completely agree on whether or not a two-state solution is a valuable option. If both sides agreed that they wanted a two-state solution, the Palestinians and the Israelis would both be guaranteed their own state located in Israel. In agreeing to this solution, Israelis would get the right to security and the right to keep the country Jewish majority with a democratic government style. The Palestinians would have the right to control their own area with the way they see fit. There has not been any official agreement on boundary
Since the creation of Israel in 1948, a long and difficult conflict has existed between the Israelis and Palestinian. Despite several attempts at negotiating a final peace agreement, all efforts have been idle . One specific issue remains at the core of whether Palestine should be granted statehood or not. The region known as Palestine was home to an Arab-Muslim majority, around 80 percent of the population was Muslim. Around the time when World War II was drawing near the end, The Jewish people began flooding back into Palestine. However the area in which the Jewish people wished to occupy, was already inhabited. In current day, Jerusalem is a holy place where both the Arab and Jews feel they have the right of ownership to the sacred land.
Israelis and Palestinians are in a conflict over the land known as Israel. This conflict started way back in 135 AD when the Jews were kicked out of their homeland. The land turned into Palestine and the Jews had no homeland and was known as Diaspora. To this day they are still fighting over the land. Israel should not have to share the land with Palestine.
This talk of two-state solution though seemingly attractive, is highly fraught, not only because of too little land and too much history. This should not be taken as an easy case like the situation between India and Pakistan, where demarcation was on the basis of the ethnic majority occupying a given area. The talk of a two-state solution, appealing as it may seem, can never be taken seriously and cannot lead to a permanent solution if it attempts to mask expulsion, population transfer, or annexation on one side or the destruction of an existing nation on the other side. The Palestinian people exist, and Israel exists, and neither of these two entities is provisional. It must be noted that within these borders, two distinct groups divided by culture, history, and language cannot live wholly together or wholly apart.
Peace is a blessing that is often taken for granted. Unfortunately, The conflict between the Jews and Palestinians still has not reached this peace. this is due to many factors. Ever since the the 1948 war, acts of terrorism and destruction have happened on both sides. This war left the Palestinians with no homeland, creating the Palestinian Refugee problem. This and other factors (such as the Peel Commission), left the Palestinians distraught and Angry. Suicide bombing played a major role in these acts of revenge, the first being in 2001. Lastly the lack of separation between church and state in Israel hinders compromise greatly. Peace in the middle east will never be reached if these issues, and many more, cannot be resolved in a way that pleases both parties
The Palestinian and Israeli conflict is the one of self-determination gone all wrong, with a foreign immigrant population has expelled the indigenous people of the land to set up their own nation that is exclusively non-secular and intolerant towards other religions and ethnicities. The Palestinian Israeli conflict is one of the oldest and the most long drawn conflict of the 21st century. Palestinians continue to suffer in the Gaza strip or in Jordanian refugee camps as Israelis live on the land that is rightfully the Palestinians.
Many innocent people are being killed everyday due to the conflict between Palestine and Israel. The creation of the State of Israel has caused the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Israel was created after World War 1 by the League of Nations, for Jewish people. Palestinians who previously lived on the land felt a threat to their homeland and resorted to violence. The United Nations tried to divide the territory into two states to resolve the conflict. Palestine declined and the Arab countries declared war on Israel. The war ended in 1949 by the Armistice Agreement. The Agreement recognized international borders between Israel and its neighboring countries (Arab Israeli Conflict 4).Palestine was left with the West Bank and Gaza. However, Israel recently started to occupy the West Bank and Gaza. Israel now controls the borders of Israel and Palestine. The disdain between Palestine and Israel is a problem, and peace must be made between the two sides.
Our people are being swept and corralled into the corners of the land that used to be ours. These Jewish pigs arrived on boats and proceeded to take the land that had been ours for hundreds of years. We were hunted and slaughtered as these barbarians expanded and stole more and more of our homeland. We understand that they had just gone through all the atrocities of the Holocaust, and the Jewish people were looking for a place to rebuild and call home, but that does not mean that they get to just show up and treat us like animals. The walls they build and the settlements they erect on our doorsteps make it as though we are not wanted and that they are trying to get rid of us, when we have been here for many years. The thought of the happy Jewish people jumping and laughing as they parade across our land, my land, makes me burn with hatred. Also, the fact that when we are kicked out of our homeland by these invaders and cannot return is awful. We are told that we can never return to the places that we have known since birth. Leaving everything behind and having to move into walled ghettos is something that I wish no human to experience. I feel that as a Palestinian, the Two State Solution is the only road to peace. Each of us getting a fair amount of land and access to our holy city of Jerusalem is how the fighting will end. I believe that this plan is the only way