
The Argument Essay: Just Don't Do It!

Decent Essays

The Argument Paper: Just Don't Do It!

English 101 is incredibly challenging and overwhelming to the typical college student. A narrative reflective essay, an expository essay, a novel, and the Nelson-Denny Reading Comprehension test are all crammed into ten weeks of backbreaking work. However, the most intolerable assignment of all has not even been mentioned yet: the argument paper! Students run around shrieking and cursing when they are handed the assignment. Most of them are enveloped by insanity during the writing process. When I mentioned the dreaded argument paper to a fellow classmate, he said that he felt my pain. English 101 students should not be required to write an argument paper because it is detrimental to their …show more content…

I have lasted 18 years without knowing how to write such a paper, and it has not hurt me yet.

Others possibly believe that people must know how to persuade in order to motivate those close to them to work for or against a cause. Effective persuasion is supposed to symbolize strength and leadership. However, persuasion is a deadly form of mind control. Hitler, a master in the art of persuasion, used this art in an almost successful attempt to eradicate an entire race of people.

In addition, a few supporters of argument papers may think it is easy to write this type of paper. Everyone has something to bitch about, and writing is a constructive way to do this. But many people find it terribly difficult to debate any cause. There are simple, peaceful people in this world who, amazingly enough, are happy with all aspects of life. What on earth can they possibly complain about?

Besides, finding a local cause that I care about is a difficult task to undertake successfully. I am just as apathetic towards anything that does not directly affect me as any other busy person. Many of my English 101 classmates are indifferent to any cause worth writing about. It is extremely frustrating to write a paper when not a single, solitary topic seems worthwhile.

Also, it is terribly toilsome to think about convincing an audience, backing up all of the persuasive statements with facts, and writing a well-organized essay, complete with correct grammar

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