
The Argument For A Violation In Basketball

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Every night in the small town of Greenville, Mississippi, people from all across town come to a local gym called 24/7 Fitness Center to play pickup basketball. The age of these people can vary from young teens to around 60 years old. The set up of these basketball games are different from the regular rules of organized basketball. For instance, there are no referees to police any violation of rules by calling “fouls”. Therefore, the players themselves must call a “foul” if they believe that their opponent has violated a rule of the game. Also, referees are responsible for deciding on an “out of bounds” violation. In this kind of violation, the team that touched the ball before the ball goes out of the boundary on which the players play basketball …show more content…

However, since there are no referees, the players, themselves, must make these decisions inevitably leading to arguments. The arguments are usually settled in one of two ways. Either one player allows the other player to win the argument due to respect, or the players decide to perform an action called “shooting for it.” In this process, the two players who are arguing must shoot the basketball from a certain distance. Whoever makes the shot by putting the basketball into the goal wins the argument. Players who come to these nightly events usually come often and are familiar with the other players because they know each others names. If a new player decides to join the basketball game, it can be visible that he or she is not familiar with the other players due to a lack of comfort in body language and lack of communication with others. In order to further understand the dynamic of the arguments that ensue within these basketball games and the role that both old and new players have in this social interaction with each other, the ideas of facework and social code and norms will be applied to the nightly basketball game of

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