Legalizing Marijuana Everyone wants to feel good. No one wants to be in pain, be depressed or anxious. Marijuana is given a bad reputation because people believe it will negatively affects the brain like heroine or the lungs like cigarettes. The main argument against using marijuana is that it lowers intelligence, but that is when it is abused. Many legal substances have long terms effects on the brain and have the power to kill. Drug War Facts reports 33,171 deaths were alcohol induced, 42,249 overdosed on opioids, 480,320 caused by tobacco, and zero related to marijuana. Cannabis can be used in place of medication, would decrease crime rates, and improve the economy. 64% of people believe marijuana should be legalized yet only 9 of 50 states …show more content…
Decriminalizing cannabis can decrease drug violence, gang activity, laced marijuana, and drug cartels. “The knock-on effect is a reduction in levels of drug-related violence. “The cartels are in competition with one another,” Gavrilova explained. “They compete for territory, but it’s also easy to steal product from the other cartels and sell it themselves, so they fight for the product. They also have to defend their territory and ensure there are no bystanders, no witnesses to the activities of the cartel,” (The Guardian). Legalizing weed allows dispensaries to control sales and the government to set restrictions. Taking weed out of the publics discretion allows for organized distribution, taking sales away from drug cartels. Smuggling decreases and overall the war on drugs shrinks since people have safer options to gravitate for. Without this drug related violence, murder has dropped 10%, robbery dropped 19%, general crime dropped 10% in California, and homicides decreased by 41%. Not to mention, keeping an inmate for one day costs an average of $87.61 according to the Federal …show more content…
This amount does not account for anyone that spent more than one day as an inmate. Think Progress reports “Legal weed created 18,005 full-time jobs and added about $2.4 billion to the state’s economy last year, an analysis from the Marijuana Policy Group (MPG) shows… Every dollar spent in the industry generates between $2.13 and $2.40 in economic activity.” Colorado regulating marijuana has created an industry for weed allowing the economy to flourish while creating jobs for their people and circulating money into the community and the state’s economy. The tax placed on medical and recreational marijuana generates funds that circulate into the state’s budget allowing for a growing economy. Due to federal regulations, the industry can only grow so large limiting its benefits on job opportunities and revenue. Correspondingly, medical usage was shown to decrease work absence since adults are less likely to be in pain (in terms of headaches and nausea). Along with its basic industry, legalizing weed brings in tourism. “According to data released last year by the Colorado Tourism Office, a record-setting 77.7 million people visited the state in 2015, spending over $19 billion,” (Alternet). The numbers continue to grow and grow each year. Obviously, with the complete legalization, this effect is short term as there is no need to travel in the
Not only does the legalization have many medical benefits and tax revenue but also benefits the society as whole by providing job opportunity and a decrease in unemployment and crime. Many have always believed that with the legalization of marijuana would come with higher crime rate but since Colorado
According to a recent article from Huffington Post; in Washington alone, the legalization of marijuana could bring in an estimated five hundred million in additional tax revenue. Along with tax revenue, reducing the added cost of marijuana could greatly drop the price per gram, resulting in more money to spend in the local economy. Currently, one billion dollars is spent in prisons for inmates that have been charged due to marijuana-related crimes in result of marijuana being illegal. Time magazine reports that, as a crop, marijuana farmer's in California have found a surplus of sales. An estimated fourteen billion dollars a year on average, making marijuana the most profitable cash crop in the state. If legalized, marijuana could help add countless amounts of jobs into the formal economy instead of the illicit market (Bradford, Huffinton
As the world advances people’s conceptions on the world change as well. Things that were viewed as bad in the 1900’s are now acceptable, and sometimes encouraged. Almost every aspect of life today as we know it is different from what we wear, to the jobs we have, and especially what we do in our free time. One thing that is was not very socially acceptable even in the last 5 years, and is a major topic all over the United States is marijuana legalization. It has always been used, but only in private or small groups. Marijuana which has been frowned upon for a long time, and users are labeled as “burnouts” and “losers” who are failures in the world. The world is changing its view on marijuana though. In the United States 27 states and D.C. have legalized marijuana
The legalization of marijuana and other controlled substances is a highly discussed and controversial topic. Opponents have generally repeated arguments formed from long lasting government propaganda in the past, and proponents have been working tirelessly to break down those preconceptions. There are many arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana, and in many ways it is the same discussion that led to the end of prohibition. Generally, the opposing arguments are geared toward moral standards and focus on correlation as causation; the arguments for legalization are generally based on university studies and case studies from other countries and states that have already legalized marijuana. This essay will attempt to dispel the
Since drug use is decriminalized, “Police arrest more Americans per year on marijuana charges than the total number of arrest for all violent crimes combines, including murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault (Marijuana Decriminalization Talking Points). People are more likely to go to jail for the use of marijuana than murder. Marijuana is not harmless to the world and less discrimination will decrease the amount of patrol stops, and having a criminal record for a crime that brings no harm to Americans. The funds Americans spend on drug stops can be for more severe crimes. Such as, rape and murder. Traffic stops take more paper work, scheduling court dates, and you may go to jail depending on how much you carry, it is really worth the time? The money? Citizens that are find and arrested for the use of marijuana, are more likely get the product from a family or friend. However, marijuana is less harm than
It's the stupidest law just legalize it and tax it like liquor-Morgan freeman,marijuana one of the drugs that has been illegal for many years and we believe that is really dangerous. But on the contrary,we could have more benefits than we think having it legal would just create a bunch of stoners.republicans,news stations say that crime would skyrocket those facts are propaganda that people who have no knowledge of it usually use to repel other ignorant people to believe their facts to join those who oppose legalization.Due to that most people these days are scared to death to think that it has more more uses that people can use other than getting high.Individuals don't want to think for themselves and just follow the scared instead of just
When people hear the word marijuana they often associate it with other negative things such as, addiction, gangs, law violations, hallucinations, disorientations, and criminal activity. However, marijuana has been used and shown to have positive effects in multiple medical conditions. Cannabis (marijuana) has been found to relieve symptoms of diseases of serious magnitude, such as asthma, glaucoma, muscle spasms, and many other diseases. While marijuana is still illegal, prisons are being over filled with users of this drug, taking space up from real, harmful criminals. Millions of people chose to use marijuana, whether it for therapeutic relief, pleasure, or as a medicinal use. All 50 states should legalize marijuana because it has great medical use, much safer than many legal drugs, and would contribute to social costs.
There is no intelligent argument against legalization and and regulation of cannabis that one cannot completely dismiss or disapprove. It is assumed that the most politicians are worried that supporting this controversial issue would provide negative feedback from their supporters . This is a country about freedom and choice. From the philosophical point of view individuals have the right to make choices for themselves. For instance, imagine going out to eat and ordering a salad, only the waiter tell you might not have it that you must have soup instead. The choice between the soup and the salad is fairly kind, but it demonstrates a characteristic of human nature: people do not like to be forced into decisions that are capable of making for ourselves. The government only have the right to limit some choices if the individual's actions endanger someone else. In this advanced county all individuals should be ruler over their own lived. It is a necessity that the government respect the individual's right as is an essential precondition for a free and prosperous country. People should be able to use any substances that they desire without inference from government or
In today’s society, marijuana or cannabis is commonly utilized by many teens and adults. Whether it is for medical reasons, socializing, obtaining a high, or escaping depression; marijuana has impacted the lives of us humans in a lively manner. Even though cannabis is an illegal drug, countless amounts of people do not stop from getting a hold of it. There is only so much the law enforcement can do if the people do not wish to listen. Although marijuana affects the natural brain functions such as: memory, coordination, learning, and the ability to problem solve; allowing it to stay illegal causes no difference in the use, but inflicts on other more important issues that need to be dealt with.Many people have a problem with legalizing marijuana, actually current drug laws are doing more harm than good. Legalizing Marijuana will actually help the U.S. with its major problems, Legalizing Marijuana will: Deal a massive blow to drug cartels, which would suddenly leave cartels without 75% of their income, Allows police, courts, and prisons to focus their resources on dangerous criminals, and it will also help the U.S economy and will help the law enforcement save money. This will help out the United States because it will resolve their problems and help them at the same time.
When it comes to the discussion of marijuana, several controversies and debates emerge and individuals are able to express their standing on the topic. Despite the misleading statements made about the substance, marijuana has numerous advantages that outlook the negatives. Marijuana has been studied by many doctors and organizations, and it has been proven that there are no serious complications or side effects to the drug. In fact, doctors suggest marijuana to be used for medicinal use because it can help individuals suffering from cancer or other diseases. Marijuana should be legalized because it causes little to no harm on society, is safer than alcohol and other hard drugs, and can potentially save the lives of those who are in tribulation.
My life experience has opened my mind to the idea of legalizing marijuana for medical needs and recreational use. Knowing that people with cancer, MS, PTSD, bipolar and many other medical conditions can be treated with cannabis, I personally don’t understand how the FDA can withhold the use of cannabis to treat medical conditions. Keeping it a schedule I drug states that there is no current medical use for it, and that is obviously mistaken. Marijuana does not have any characteristics as Heroin or LSD therefore it should not be in the same class. Watching my sister-in-law battle cancer was one of my hardest life experiences. I would take her to chemo treatments and see how the way her body would respond; she would take a little marijuana, and
The overall use of marijuana has also help the trend increase as well According to Gallup Poll, “marijuana use has increased among most subgroups in the past decade, but more so among certain groups than others. For example, support is up 33 percentage points to 77% among adults aged 18 to 34, while it is up 16 points among adults aged 55 and older to 45%” (Swift).
Marijuana is currently a recreational drug used by many people all around the globe. The use of marijuana can be traced all the way back to 7000 B.C. In the past 50 years, many countries have taken a stand against the use of marijuana and have made it illegal. The Drug Enforcement agency of the united Stated and the International War on Drugs are measures that were taken to ban the use of marijuana as well as many other different drugs. since this ban on marijuana and other different types of drugs, the crime rates have risen tremendously, and the illegal drug trade has become much larger. A study recorded by the United Nations in the year 2005 wrote a report titled, “World Drug Report 2005” gives the estimated cost of the drug market to be
Marijuana is an illegal drug in some states It is used to calm you, some people abuse the uses and that is why it is illegal in some states. It is legal in 29 states as of today. Every state has it’s own set of rules and crimes if abused.Some types of marijuana are approved by FDA for example dronabinol and nabilone which are both man-made. There are several ways to consume marijuana but the main way people consume marijuana is by smoking. Smoking marijuana can help relieve neurotic pain and improve food intake. In 2015 California approved medical marijuana, but it still remains a schedule 1 substance. A schedule 1 substance is a substance that has high abuse potential,severe safety concerns, and no medical uses. By Law doctors can not prescribe,
Main reasons why the government is so against legalizing recreational marijuana is that they believe it causes harm to the brain, cause disruptive and aggressive behavior, and that it doesn't really have any medical benefits. Marijuana can be used for certain sickness but it has to be taken properly in the right proportion.”Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and