
The Aspects Of Society In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

In the novel, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury expresses several “doomsday” conditions that, if present in our generation, could completely shift the dynamics of the world as we know it. The book was written in 1953, and the setting is an American city in the 21st Century. The problems society faces in the book are actually prevalent in today’s society. The novel’s main character is Guy Montag, who is unhappily married to his wife, Mildred. He is unaware of how unhappy he is until Clarisse McClellan, Montag’s neighbor, points this out to him. She introduces him to her own intellectual world, where she questions society's principles.
The essential pillars that prevent civilization from falling into the abyss are order and love. For the most …show more content…

After Montag escapes, he joins a new community.
With the previous society completely consumed by fire, a new society rises from the ashes such as a reborn phoenix might, illuminating the vast wilderness with knowledge. With their old lives forgotten, and future lives uncertain, they cross the border hoping to create a society with books as operators, and librarians for fireman; spreading the fire of knowledge as if they were arsonist.
In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury paints a picture of what happens when a civilization ceases the reading of meaningful literature. This painting is quite dark, and in certain strokes, one can see our own nation. The lack of reading in our nation causes violence as well as a larger prison population.
When one walks into a library, they are met with kind people trying to help them find a book that would spark their interest. When the same person walks into a neighborhood full of people who regard books as a waste of time, they are met with violence. Neil Gaiman, who is a reading activist, once stated “How many prisoners are there going to be, fifteen years from now? And they found they could predict it very easily, using a pretty simple algorithm, based about asking what percentage of ten- and eleven-year-olds couldn’t read” (Popova par. 4). As many Americans have noticed, our prisons are overflowing. If our politicians would fight for more libraries, we could prevent people from turning to crime by giving them more financial

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