
The Aspects Of The Native American Torment In The Late 1400s

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In the late 1400s, Europeans expanded overseas to the Newfoundland, which would establish desired wealth, land, and possessions, at the expense of Native American maltreatment. Colonialism, for the purpose of becoming the “superior” empire by exploiting commodities and native resources for the European economy, and the enforcement for religious conversion arose hostile acts. On the economic and philosophic level, the Native American enslavement and the seizure of their lands and possessions were unjustifiable. Cristopher Columbus's newly found wealth in the New World enraptured Spaniards to travel overseas, expanding the empire for the Crown while fulfilling their own greedy desires to possess riches. With the arrival of Spaniards seeking lands to conquer and extract wealth from, Native Americans cities collapse in the hundreds; tribes that once stood for generations vanished from existence due to Spanish brutality and introduced diseases. Observers of the occurring widespread terror reported seeing the exhaustion of the land and enslaved Native Americans; for example, Bartolomé de las Casas wrote on "the cruelties of the Spaniards committed in America." Las Casas described those enslaved, "…inhumanely and barbarously butcher'd and harass'd with several kinds of Torments …," and what had happened during the Spanish expansion, "… when the Spaniards first arriv'd here, about Five Hundred Thousand Men dwelt in it, they are now cut off, some by slaughter, and others ravished

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