At the edge of the castle training field, bathed by the rays of a waning autumn sun, Percival reached for Fleur 's hand as they waited for the knighting ceremony to begin. Deena and Ida, their girls, sat in the grass, vibrating with excitement. Banon lay down between them, basking in the glory of belly rubs, as the dog always did. It seemed impossible that the girls were ten and Banon was almost eleven. Hadn 't they come into Percival and Fleur 's life only yesterday?
A cool afternoon breeze kissed Percival 's face, and with that, he gazed at the sparse clouds above and recalled the past. He was almost thirty-three, and somehow, the past seemed closer than ever.
So much had happened during the past decade.
When Deena and Ida turned one, Percival and Gwaine, on a mission in Ismere, had been captured and forced into slavery by Morgana. That was a dark and frightening time for Percival and Gwaine, yet eventually, Merlin and King Arthur rescued them. Percival recalled his homecoming, when Fleur – carrying the twins in her arms – Rion, and Banon charged from the castle and ran to him, sobbing with joy. Rion all but pulled Percival from his horse, and Percival and his family stood outside in the downpour, reunited and grateful. He had never felt more loved than in that moment.
Further, Arthur had managed to negotiate peace with King Odin, and Camelot and Cornwall had not warred in years.
Regardless, there had been more dark times.
Less than a year later, the epic Battle of
The Major Changes In Defence at Carisbrooke Castle The three periods of development I will cover in this piece of coursework are the Norman Period, the Medieval Period and the Elizabethan Period. Each period had many different updates installed due to new threats and advances in technology. Norman Period 1070 - 1130:
At that he walked faster, aware all at once of urgency and the declining sun and a little wind created by his speed that breathed about his face. This wind pressed his grey shirt against his chest so that he noticed--in this new mood of comprehension--how the folds were stiff like cardboard, and unpleasant;
The book An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa 1942-1943 gives the reader valuable insight into the campaign in North Africa in 1942-1943 for both Allied and the German forces. The narrative follows the American and British armies as they fought the Vichy French in Morocco and Algiers, and then later when they fight the Germans and the Italians for Tunisia. The novel follows the inexperienced and ill-led soldiers from battle to battle as they gradually become a more cohesive and deadly fighting force. This novel also centers around the almost mythical but also flawed commanders who dominate the battlefield and write their names in the history books: Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley, Montgomery, and Rommel.
The Battle of Santiago Bay decimated the Spanish fleet and killed almost 1,800 Spaniards. The aging Spanish fleet was no match for the Americans, two weeks later the Spanish forces in Santiago surrendered and on August 11th, 1898 Spain accepted America’s terms of peace. From the war America gained four new territories, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam, and Cuba. Consequently Cuba gained its freedom, yet it was the American flag that flew over Havana in triumph, not Cuba’s.
Although with the treaty in place between King Alfred of Wessex and King Guthrum of the Danelaw, Alfred was saved any major conflicts but still had to deal with the occasional Viking raid here and there upon his kingdom. Alfred had reorganized his army, rebuilt and built new defenses around the countryside and a navy.
In the essay, The Colonel, Michael Hogan illustrates the importance of the influential sport of tennis. Hogan writes about how tennis changed his life from an early age. When he was younger he saw tennis as a rich mans sport in which he had no interest. One of his much-respected neighbors, the colonel, approached Hogan’s father with the idea that his son might like to learn how to play tennis. After pondering the thought with his father, Hogan decided to take the offer. The Colonel became his mentor as they spent tireless days perfecting his swing, improving his serve, and practicing against each other. His main competitor though was a boy named Tommy Gallagher. Often, the two boys would compete with the victor being Gallagher. Yet, Hogan
According to Field Manual 6-22, “Military Bearing is defined as having or projecting a commanding presence and a professional image of authority”. The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect.
The 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) has a proud history of accomplishments. It has served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Historically, the morale across the brigade was high; leaders took care of their Soldiers, and all of them did their best to train them, accomplish missions successfully, and support them in any way. The 4th ABCT HQ, as well as each of the battalions, were highly efficient and effective, and most of them were jubilant to be part of the brigade. Three years ago, one of the best maneuver brigades in FORSCOM was the 4th ABCT. The brigade had focus; leaders and soldiers were dedicated, and there was a strong work ethics. However, the 4th is facing some challenges ahead that are going to make difficult to reach its full potential. Amongst several leadership problems, there is a major one. There is not an organizational vision in the brigade, and if there is, it is unclear and poorly evident.
Blue collar Kerrigan home, is filled with love as well as pride for their modest lifestyle, but their happiness is threatened when developers attempt the compulsory acquisition of their house to expand the neighbouring Melbourne Airport. 3 high view crescent, Coolaroo – not aesthetically pleasing ‘eyesore’ opening shot shows sense of pride (satire) Despite all this, sweet-natured family patriarch Darryl (Michael Caton) believes that he lives in the lap of luxury. Blissfully unaware of his family’s lack of style or sophistication, he busies himself by driving a tow truck, racing greyhounds and constantly adding tacky renovations to the house. Kerrigan clan shares and supports his enthusiasm in every way. Though he has no wish to sell,
With the ever rising prison population in this country, something has to be done rehabilitate criminals rather than just lock them up. Many feel that the “new” prisons, boot camps are the answer (Champion 1990). I will give a brief overview of boot camp institutions, specifically, about the operation and structure of these, the cost involved with both juvenile and adult facilities, and how effective they really are with regard to recidivism.
The word discipline comes from the Latin word disciplīna which means "to instruct". Discipline is a specific form of instruction which develops self-control, character, and efficiency.
“We want leaders that are tough, resilient, that can think, and out-fight and out-smart the enemy. We want them to be adaptive and agile and flexible. And, we want them not only competent, but we want leaders of character.” (General Mark A. Milley, 2015) Character is not a trait we take for granted and most likely have an attraction for, but honestly never had to define when asked about by our superiors and peers. It is a word most Soldiers desire to have their name attached to it, and yet the standards of its realization remains rather vague when spoken about. When the military say that a Soldiers is someone of good character, we mean that they may have many
What is a profession? First and foremost let’s look at how we can define a profession from a general point. A profession is an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation. Profession doesn’t mean only to be perfectly prepared on the basis of theoretical aspects, but to meet the strict criteria as well. A good professional should be a leader and leadership means solving problems. Leaders can be assessed according to the amount of resolved problems. Everybody has a tendency to be successful, in trying this; a successful leader has to be confident in his decisions. It follows from that, that generally we can consider the leader as an expert, a matured personality, somebody who meets the high
In the beginning of the play the girls are put into an eight-year mourning period by Bernarda because of the death of their father. She
There are many job oppurtunitiesin the army. Anyone one can join and be anything he wants. In the army everyone has the chance to travel the world. The army has certain benefits and requirements. All of them will be explained.