
The Au Projects And Policies For Sustainability

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3.1 Introduction
This chapter seeks to assess the AU projects and policies for sustainability in light of the achievements and challenges each of the projects and policies have encountered and suggest what could bring about lasting economic growth which the Union seeking.
3.2 Agriculture and Food Security: using the CAADP Framework
3.3 CAADP Achievements:
Since 2003, at the inception of CAADP, Twenty five African countries have completed the four stages of signing a CAADP compact. The four stages include signing of the compact, making a national agricultural investment plan, technical review of the investment plan for harmony within the RECs and conformity to the CAADP framework and the business meeting, at which individual countries …show more content…

As for the RECs, ECOWAS has a regional plan already being implemented; the business meeting was held in June 2010. IGAD has signed a regional compact in October 2013. ECCAS has signed a regional compact and has an investment plan in place. COMESA recently signed a regional compact in November 2014.2
To date out of the twenty-five countries that have endorsed the compact nine have achieved an annual growth rate of 6 percent: Angola, Republic of the Congo, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Senegal, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Eight are investing ten percent of the national budget into Agriculture: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Ghana, Guinea and Senegal. Four countries have achieved growth rate of four to five percent.
It is worth noting that the CAADP framework has demonstrated that it is relevant to accelerate the growth of agriculture in Africa and has made agriculture to be a top priority developmental agendum for many countries across the region, unlike in the past. It has gained political and international support for agriculture, CAADP has gained international financial support for Agriculture with the creation of a U.S. 60 million-multi donor trust fund for the implementation of CAADP.3
CAADP principles and countries’ agriculture strategies are converted to investments at the national levels through the implementation of post-compact strategies.
In addition CAADP has recently launched a ten-year implementation

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