
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR)

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The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the largest and diverse coral ecosystem, and is home to a variety of organisms (Commonwealth of Australia 2016a). However due to environmental and anthropogenic events including climate change, pollution, poor fishing practices, mining and industrialisation (World Wildlife Fund 2016) the GBR is under threat of coral bleaching, eventually causing significant destruction to the ecosystem (Australian Marine Conservation Society 2016). There are numerous sustainability projects to improve the health of the reef including Reef Alliance-Growing a Great Barrier Reef, which is a partnered project of the Reef Trust Sustainability Project Phase Three. This scheme has been implemented to reduce the runoff of pollutants …show more content…

The project states that it intends to improve the GBR water quality, coastal habitats and reef biodiversity (Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective 2015a). The Project also tries to “maximise the GBR outcomes while ensuring profitable productive agricultural landscapes” as stated in the Reef Alliance Proposal (Burnett Mary Regional Group 2015).
The project targets 1441 farmers and grazers, covering 2118770 hectares of Queensland farmlands and aims to reduce approximately 10% of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and 5% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (Burnett Mary Regional Group 2015). The Reef Alliance project aims to reach these sustainability goals by 2019 as apart of the Long Term Sustainability Plan – 2050 (Queensland Regional NRM Groups Collective …show more content…

The project shows that through effective democratic communication and funding, successful sustainability and management schemes can take place. The project has demonstrated a high level of success through the different levels of financial authority and power, as money can be distributed out to industries and issues of more concern and allows for productive use of funding awarded to the project. The project is also successful in allowing all voices apart of the Reef Alliance project to be heard, through the Queensland Farmers’ Federation. The project, Reef Alliance aims to regenerate and rebuild a healthy environment for the GBR, while maintaining successful business and management practices for farming industries. This suggests that the project is unbiased as it supports ideas of sustainability without destroying Australian industries. As the major goals of the sustainability project have been addressed at early stages, this can allow for farming practices to be refined by June 2019 and ensuring ongoing environmental practices to improve the health of the

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