
The Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )

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m Spectrum Disorder

This paper will cover many aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder, also commonly known as ASD. It will identify reginal, national and global statistics of the occurrence of ASD, predisposing factors, usual signs and symptoms of ASD, and tests used for diagnosis. It will also analyze both medical, surgical and psychosocial aspects of the care needed by patients with ASD, interdisciplinary interventions, comorbidities commonly associated with Autism, and the prognosis of these patients. Lastly it will identify several implications for best nursing practice and interventions that may be helpful in the care of these patients.
Description of the Condition
Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder The identification of the …show more content…

Predisposing Factors The current research of ASD has concluded this disorder is as complex as the predisposing factors. Freitag et al. stated that “the current evidence therefore points to ASD being a highly complex process involving multiple contributing loci, genetic heterogeneity, gene-gen interactions, and gene-environment interactions” (as cited in Johnson et al., 2017). In other words, there is no single cause genetically or environmentally that causes ASD to occur. Some environmental factors before birth include both premature birth and low weight at birth, as well as breech, cesarean, and the mother having multiple births; maternal stress, viral infection during pregnancy, use of reproductive medications and artificial insemination, and mothers over the age of 35 also have positive correlations with the occurrence of ASD (Johnson et al., 2017). Other environmental factors implicated in the manifestation of ASD are exposure to large amounts of environmental pollutants (Johnson et al., 2017).
It is also commonly acknowledged that Autism Spectrum Disorders are greatly heritable (Myers et al., as cited in Johnson et al., 2017) and was made more evident by identical and fraternal

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