
The Awakening And A Doll 's House

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The Awakening and A Doll’s House both share similarities and differences. They were both written, at the time, toward different audiences. The Awakening was written in 1899, in English, and A Doll’s House was written in 1879, In Norwegian. Yet, despite these differences these works both find ways to explicate the same themes and ideas of feminism, and the concept of self-individuality. The culture, at the time, did not promote the self-individuality of women. The books’ main ideas, therefore challenges these notions and illuminate the idea of freedom as both Edna and Nora, the central characters, try to find it. Nevertheless, freedom comes at a price and consequences that cannot be controlled by the individual. Although both books illustrate this theme differently, The Awakening by Kate Chopin and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen both tell that freedom isn’t necessarily free and that it requires sacrifice.
Both their main characters, Edna and Nora, go through journeys in search for freedom and both these characters are in conflict with their surroundings. Edna Pontellier, a New Orleans woman who is married to a businessman, finds it stifling that he is gone for business trips and tries to find love outside their relationship, and Nora, an upper-middle class housewife, is conflicted by whether or not to leave Torvald. “Her marriage to Leonce Pontellier was purely an accident […]” (18 Chopin) and “Do you think they would forget their mother if she went away altogether?” (30

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