
The Awakening By Kate Chopin Essay

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Feminism can be defined as the belief that women and men should have equal rights. This is an incredibly simple premise in theory; however, as soon as one starts to unpack exactly what it would take for equality of the sexes many other inter-related issues arise. One of the main issues is that there are many different types of oppression including, but not limited to, gender, race, sexuality, sexual orientation, ethnicity and socio-economic background. All of these factors and more must be taken into consideration when discussing systemic privilege and oppression. This essay will mainly be focused on American feminism and there will be particular care paid to how first wave feminism treated and seemingly forgot about women of color in its quest for recognition. The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin in 1899, is one of the initial pieces of first wave feminist fiction. This story focuses on Edna, an incredibly dissatisfied Southern housewife who finds love outside of her marriage, only to discover that for her there is no escape from her living hell but death. This incredibly moving story places Edna’s struggle with her societally prescribed gender roles at the center of the novel. Edna is a feisty woman, she escapes her father’s house by marrying a Creole, named Leonce which instead of freeing her as she imagines, simply shifts power over her from one man to another. Edna works to disengage herself from the patriarchal expectations placed on her by her family and friends

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