
How Did World War 1 Contribute To The Balance Of Power Theory

Better Essays

World War I saw the nations involved rallied into two major alliances in order to curb German’s increasing power. It is evident that German amassing too much power poses a threat to the security of its counterparts in an anarchic system. As a result, other countries were willing to use various means not only to mitigate the risks but also maintain their independence in the world’s political structure. The balance of power theory focuses on how countries can achieve a balance and international order. The causes of World War one can be attributed to the balance of power mechanisms used by the countries involved.
The balance of power theory is viewed as critical policy in the handling of international relations. To fully comprehend how the balance …show more content…

One of the reasons led to World War One was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian (Fromkin 121). Although multiple reasons have been affiliated to his assassination, most of those reasons revolve around upholding Serbia’s power. On the one hand, Austria-Hungary had planned to attack Serbia since it was at its weakest point due to the adverse effects of the Balkan War they had just undergone (Fromkin 122). On the other hand, Serbia was making an effort to regain control over Bosnia-Herzegovina, which was under the control of Austria-Hungary (Fromkin 122). Before the assassination of Franz, the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis had heightened to a point where Austria intended to invade Serbia (Fromkin 74). It was evident that Serbia, through the assassination of Franz, was seeking to retain its independence and protect its regions from Austria-Hungary’s influence by intimidating …show more content…

Most importantly, these reasons revolve around concepts such as the states are secure when none of them is too powerful. The strategies used by the theory are clearly reflected amongst the causes of World War One. Besides, European empires formed military alliances to strengthen their defense; hence achieving equality in military capabilities as compared to the powerful rivals. The arms race witnessed in Europe was a strategy used by countries to ensure they are not left behind as being equal to their counterparts. The acquisition of colonies also seeks to progress the economies of European empires. Finally, nationalism provides a means by which people could achieve self-rule to avoid other nations taking control over them. All the above causes were designed to achieve harmonization of European empires’ economies and

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