
The Basic Idea Of Science

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“In the field of physical science it has been proved that absolutely everything can be scientifically reduced to one ultimate invisible Essence, something which cannot be contacted by the physical senses. It is therefore only reasonable to say that originally everything must have, and still does, come from It. According to one 's way of thinking, different names are given to It: Energy, Principle, Universal Intelligence, Universal Mind, Consciousness, Spirit, God.”
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind, pg. 11

Infinite = One The number that best represents the infinite is not a very big number. Infinity is one, not two, or three or more. The infinite is not many, but one. The infinite is indivisible and inseparable. If …show more content…

That too is an inescapable realization drawn from the premise of an infinite being. The Infinite cannot be one with just one of us. It must be one with every one of us. Each and everyone is one with the infinite One, God. If you doubt that Jesus came to this conclusion, then consider one question: Why did he say that when we pray we should pray to Our Father, rather than his Father? We are all one with the infinite One. I think that we must accept this premise because it is reasonable; but my insistence that others think and reason as I do would be unreasonable. Anyone can ignore the infinite One; they just can 't be separate or apart from It. We can ignore our heritage, our inheritance and our inherent nature. Nevertheless it is with us, even thou we deny it. You can ignore reality, but it doesn 't go away.

One Reality The Apostle Paul wrote: “In him we live, and move, and have our being” [Acts 17:28] Jesus said: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” [Lk. 17:21] God would have to be very small to be within all, and very large to include all. However, to resolve these two extremes, God need only be infinite. Remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his essay, History:
There is no great and no small
To the Soul that maketh all:
And where it cometh, all things are;
And it cometh everywhere. When we envision a God that is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent we are thinking of the infinite,

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