
The Bath Baby Cafe

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STEUBEN COUNTY (WENY) - Starting Friday, July 17, a new cafe is coming to Steuben County. A Baby Cafe. It's a place breastfeeding moms can go to relax and openly nurse while getting advice from lactation consultants and other moms. "It's a learning process for both the baby and the mom and so we want to be able to support them with those issues. Whether it be a latch problem or a pain problem." explains certified lactation consulant for Steuben County Publc Health, Jo-Ann Taylor.

The non-profit was started in 2000 in the U.K. and was brought to the United States in 2006. The Bath Baby Cafe in Steuben County will be one of 56 in the U.S. The Bath Baby Café is a drop in program and will be held at the Dormann library, in Bath, every friday from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. "There's comfortable chairs, there's a lot more resources available beside what we"ll be offering, there's a cafe right here so beyond the refreshments we"ll have moms can have a place they can hangout and chat. So the library is the best place to have a baby cafe," explains Public Helath Education Coordinator for Steuben County Public Health, Lorelei Wagner. …show more content…

Taylor encourages soon-to-be-moms to attend aswell. "We'd like to have pregnant moms coming because often the decision to breastfeed your baby is made while your pregnant. So we want to give them the support they need leading up to the birth of their baby," says Taylor. With the Cafe being at a library, staff encourgae not just moms but say the whole family is

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