
The Battle Of Thermopylae, By Greece

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The Battle of Thermopylae, it is a story that has been told throughout the centuries. Many have heard of this battle for democracy whether to may be through media or just reading books, which contain information on the battle. This was a battle that took place in 480 BCE, when the mighty Persian Empire invades the free city states of Greece. Therefore in contradiction to this 300 Spartans, and a few other Greeks, assembled to defend the pass at Thermopylae, they did this knowing that death was imminent. This story has brought courage to many and has showed how the 300 Spartans sacrificed everything they had in order to preserve democracy. On that day, if Persia managed to conquer the city-states of Greece, then much of Greek culture would …show more content…

In Athens at first it was an experiment instead of electing officials to vote for them, the people themselves voted for a majority of the issues. All those who were able to vote needed to attain a citizenship and once it was attained it did not matter of what class the citizen was of, he or she had a right vote. None of this would have come to pass if it were not for the Battle of Thermopylae. Since around Five hundred years ago the King of Persia Cyrus expanded his empire as he had stretched his empire from central Asia to all of the Middle East. During Cyrus’s reign he would set satraps to govern occupied territories. As he kept on conquering new territories it was not till 546 B.C when Cyrus conquered the Greek colony of Ionia. Later on Cyrus left the city to itself, leaving only a governor not knowing the consequences, his generations would later have to pay.
After 50 years later, the people of Iona became increasingly frustrated with the last governor Cyrus had put in place, therefore the people began having revolts in the capital city. In aid Athens would send soldiers into the city and lead an attack that burned the capital city to the ground. Later on Cyrus dies, but his great grandson Darius did not forget this so in September of 490 BC a Persian armada of 600 ships disgorged an invasion force of approximately 20,000 infantry and cavalry on Greek soil just north of Athens. The war ended with a terrible defeat for the

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