
The Beast: Movie Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

“You're killin’ me Smalls!” “You play ball like a girl!!” The puke scene, the story of “The Beast”! You have to watch this movie! The movie, The Sandlot, was an excellent movie. There was this kid, Scott Smalls who moved into town, a new kid. The boys sneered at him, all except for one. They all have adventures but, most importantly, learn about the values of friendship. It was directed by David Evans. For one reason why the movie was good, because there were a lot of funny parts. In one scene, the story of “The Beast” is told. The way it was told and the way Scott reacted to it was pretty funny. The storyteller got into detail and they all had funny expressions. Another reason why it was funny was because of the puking scene. The kids were

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